His Sister, Helps Investigate.

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It was mid-morning, around ten, before Sebastian finally loaded the carriage.

"Are you ready? Do you have everything?" Ciel asked me.

"I think so," I mentally took inventory of everything that I had packed in my two bags.

"Well then let's go," He said getting in the carriage, I followed suit. The ride into London was quiet, nothing was said between us and for that I was grateful. It gave me time to think over my plan in my head. If Cora wouldn't help me, then I'm sure Aunty would. I spent the majority of the trip thinking about how and when I would contact her. Perhaps I could visit her while we were in London and have lunch of something to discus what I wanted to.

Before I knew it, we had pulled up to our family's grand estate that we had in the city.

"I hate this," Ciel complained as we walked in the door. "There are to many people in London."

"There is no helping it my Lord." Sebastian tried to soothe. "Its tradition for the nobility to migrate on masse from the country every Season."

"The Season, eh? What a waste of time, if you ask me." I walked quietly behind Ciel as he and Sebastian spoke. I can remember when Ciel was younger he loved coming to the city every Season. Things have really changed over the last few years.

"Getting away from the manor could prove as a nice change of pace." Sebastian smiled. "It's a break from those four at least," I heard him mutter which made me laugh quietly. "We could enjoy some peace and quiet for a time and I'm certain that it will help Lady Jayne to get out of the house for a bit." He continued.

"Some peace and quiet does sound nice, doesn't it Jayne." Ciel Turned to me.

"Yes, very nice indeed." I agreed.

Sebastian opened to door to fathers old office to reveal utter chaos. Papers were scattered across the floor and books were thrown about. I would have thought someone had broken in if it hadn't been for Aunty and Lau rummaging through the cub bards. So much for peace and quiet.

"For goodness sakes, where do they keep the tea in this house?" Aunty complained.

"I can't find it either." Lau piped up looking in an old flower pot.

"Don't be silly it's not going to be in there!" Aunty chided. I could tell that Ciel was annoyed.

"Madam Red?! Lau?! Why are you here?!" He demanded.

"Ciel, your early dear." Aunty pointed out.

"Your sudden appearance here in town, must mean..." Lau started

"The Queens guard dog has a new scent to follow." Aunty finished. Ciel stood staring at Madam Red, Lau, and Grell who had popped up from behind the couch.

"I am here investigating as ordered by the Queen."

Sebastian had left in order to make tea and snacks so we all headed into the dining room. I stopped Aunty before she could join everyone.

"Aunty, I need to speak with you." I said quietly, gripping the sleeve of her vibrant red jacket.

"Oh course, Jayne dear. What is it?" She asked curiously.

"Not here, someplace privet."

"Oh? Well in that case, let us return to the dining room for tea and perhaps we can talk later this evening." She suggested.

"Alright, that sounds fine." I sighed a sigh of relief and we both joined everyone at the massive table. Tea was already steaming hot and the snacks were neatly placed on their plates in the center. The sight made me stop for a moment, how on Earth could Sebastian have made everything so quickly? I wondered. As soon as Aunty and I took our seats, Ciel started speaking.

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