His Sister, Going Insane.

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There was something in the little birds beak. It looked like an envelope. A carrier dove? I had never heard of such a thing. Even if they did exist, which apparently they did, who would be send me something? I slowly got up from my place on the floor and tentatively walked toward the frightening bird. I reached out my hand cautiously,

"Hi there, little bird, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I smiled kindly at it, I always did have a sweet spot for animals. "I'm not going to hurt you-" SQUAK! The bird belted out, scaring me and causing me to fall on the floor with a loud thud. When I reopened my eyes the bird was gone, in its place though was a crisp white envelope with a blood red rose laying over top. Cautiously I walked over and picked up the thick piece of paper.

On the front in elegant script was a name, Phantomhive, was this for me or Ciel? He got invited to all kinds of parties as the new family head. I should probably take this down to him, but wait, I was still mad at him. I was a Phantomhive also, and I was the big sister. I didn't need Ciel's consent to open a letter which clearly was for me. I slipped my finger under the wax seal and broke it with a quick flip of my wrist.

What was inside shocked me, I stared wide eyed at the letter in my hand. I read the note carefully, once, twice, and even a third time, but it always read the same.

Dear Miss Jayne Phantomhive,

I would like to cordially invite you to my masquerade ball That I will be holding tomorrow evening, half past eight. Please attach the rose i have brought you, in your lovely blonde hair so i can know who you are. I hope to see you there my Blue-jay, we have a lot of catching up to do.

Yours truly,

Jacob Radley

My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open. I knew that I wasn't going insane when I saw Jacob in the streets today. He is alive! I had to show Ciel, this would prove that I wasn't lying and that I'm not going crazy. I picked up the rose and set it on my vanity table before leaving my room.

As I rushed down the stairs I could hear chatter in the Salon. They must be in there. Turning to my left I walked into the ball room and froze. It was like I had stepped into my personal hell, glitter, pink, fluffy, ribbons, hearts. This must mean only one thing, Elizabeth was here. Wonderful. Heaving another sigh I forced my legs to carry me into the room I knew they'd be in, one more than likely that was decorated by Lizzie. From where I was I could hear said girl showering Ciel in compliments, the thought of his face almost made me laugh. Lizzie was complaining to Sebastian about something now, I could hear her whiny voice. As you can probably tell, I'm not to fond of Elizabeth. She's just a replacement, one that can never take the place of Ciel's one true love, Karmen.

I walked into the Salon, it looked like a three year old girl had just thrown a birthday party. The three servants were laughing like the idiots they were.

"What are you three laughing about?" I asked curiously, as if answering my question there eyes all fell on Sebastian who gave them a glare that could make even the devil himself shake in fear. Not me though, oh no, I was to busy looking at the thing on his head. Was he wearing a pink flowery bonnet? He was! It was too much for me to handle, I erupted in laughter. Forgetting about what I had came here in the first place I held my sides, it felt as if my gut was about to bust. All eyes had fallen on me as I writhed on the floor.

"Is there something you find amusing, Lady Jayne?" Sebastian inquired, venom lacing his voice. I ignored him and tried my best to talk.

"What are," I paused to laugh, "you wearing?!" I couldn't stop laughing even when I tried to talk. "Is that," I tried to catch my breathe, "a bonnet?!" I screeched.

This whole ordeal had made me forget about the Radleys and for that I was grateful.

"Yes, Lady Elizabeth was so kind as to get me a gift." Sebastian stated as if the bonnet was his most prized possession.

"Whatever, Sebastion." I then remembered my true reason for coming down here. "Ciel, look." I then noticed Elizabeth leaning over Ciel's shoulder. "Can we please have some privacy?" I asked through tight lips. Lizzie cowered back a little before nodding her head and quickly scampering out of the room dragging Grell along with her.

"What is it," he asked monotonously. I could tell he was still a little agitated with me.

"I have proof that I'm not crazy." I pulled the white envelope out and basically shoved it in his face. "Look, look! It's from Jacob!"

"Where did you get this." Ciel asked slowly.

"I don't know. It just arrived, via carrier dove." I said watching Ciel's face for any type of reaction.

"Carrier dove?" Sebastian asked. "I've never heard of such a thing. Are you feeling alright, Lady Jayne?"

"Yes of course I am." I snapped harshly at the butler. "I know what I saw, a pure white dove with bright red eyes."

"Sebastian," Ciel said looking in his butlers eyes.

"Yes, young master." Sebastian bowed before walking out of the room. That was weird.

"Jay," Ciel started then paused.

"Yes? What is it Ciel?" I asked him slowly, hoping that he wasn't still mad at me and that he actually believed me.

"It seems that you've been invited to a party." He said.

"Yes I realize this but, look who it's from!" I said, frantically pointing at the signature at the bottom of the parchment.

"What about them?" Ciel asked.

"It's from Jacob, don't you see?" Why wasn't he understanding.

"Jayne, this is from your friends Coraline and Caroline Hiltch. Not Jacob. I told you, Jacob Radley is dead." Ciel gave me a hard look.

"No! It's from him I swear. No one else besides him, mother and father call me Blue-jay. Read it again, you'll see." I pleaded. I desperately wanted him to understand.

"Fine," Ciel sighed

"Dear Miss Jayne Phantomhive,

We would like to cordially invite you to our masquerade ball that we will be holding one week from tomorrow evening, half past eight. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience. We hope to see you there.

Cora and Carlie Hiltch

" Ciel read slowly out loud.

I ripped the letter from his hands.

"No! No! It was right there I saw it with my own eyes. It was from him I swear!" Angry tears began to sting my eyes. What was happening?

"I'm worried about you, Jayne. That's why I called Madam Red, she'll be over tomorrow to give you an exam. Why don't you go upstairs and rest." Ciel said before walking out of the room leaving me all alone. Was Ciel right? Was I going crazy?

I wiped my tears away before righting myself and walking out of the room. I walked right passed everyone, without saying a word, and straight up the stairs and back into my bedroom. This wasn't fair I was the older sibling. Why does it feel like the rolls are reversed. I slumped onto my bed and began to think. Was I really going insane? Was Jacob really dead? But if he isn't, why doesn't anyone believe me?! And why was he choosing now to show up?

Maybe Ciel was right and a good nights sleep will help, I'm just sleep deprived. Yeah, that's it. I reasoned. After I had changed into my night clothes I walked over to my vanity to brush my hair, like I did every night, when my eyes landed on a blood red rose lying in the center of it.

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