His Sister, Dances.

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"The Viscount Druitt, also known as Aleister Chambers. He graduated from medical school, but has never gone into practice. Lately he's thrown several parties at his home. But behind the scenes at these same soirees, he's holding a secret gathering that only his intimates may attend." I listened intently as Sebastian explained the suspect to us all in the carriage.

"I've heard that he's into black magic and cult sort of things." Madam Red said blandly.

"So, your suspicious is that he's holding these parties in order to perform some kind of ritualistic sacrifices of nobalistic prostitutes?" Lau spoke the obvious only using big words that I was surprised were even in his vocabulary. I rolled my eyes. I felt as if everyone knew things that I didn't and they were summarizing everything for me.

"Tonight is the last party of the Season." Ciel said before stepping out of the carriage. "Which means this, is our last chance."

After everyone unloaded from the carrier we all assembled inside the main hall.

"Ciel will be my niece visiting from the country, and Sebastian will be Ciel's tutor." Aunty Anne went over the cover story one last time.

"And just why do I have to act like your niece! Why couldn't you have gotten Jayne to do it or something." Ciel fumed.

"Because, dear, I've always wanted a girl of my own and Jayne wasn't around in time to get ready." Aunty smiled, while fanning herself.

"Your kidding me?!" He half shouted. I smiled and stuck out my tongue at Ciel as he glared at me.

"You don't want anyone to know that your a Phantomhive, now do you?!" Madam Red whispered in Ciel's ear.

"Besides I've heard that Lord Druitt has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt and we do need to catch his eye right?" She tried to calm Ciel down, the only thing it did was make Ciel sick to his stomach.

"'By any means necessary,'" Sebastian quoted Ciel from when he was in the Undertakers shop.

"You do remember saying that do you not sir?" Ciel turned and glared at Sebastian,

"I don't understand why Jayne isn't the one doing this! She is a girl after all," Ciel mumbled under his breath.

"If your really that angry about this whole thing, I can go and use my womanly wiles to seduce the Viscount." I wrapped my arm around Ciel's shoulders. "I am a girl after all, and we have certain ways of getting the information that we need." I teased.

"No!" he sputtered, a blush covering his face. No twelve-year-old boy wants to think about what his sister does with boys. It made me laugh just watching Ciel's reaction.

"I mean, after your recent," he composed himself, pausing to find the right word. "Episode, I think it would be best if you let me handle this." Ciel explained.

"What's that suppose to mean? My 'recent episode?'" I narrowed my eyes.

"Before this goes any farther, I suggest that we go and find the Viscount." Sebastian said from behind us.

I looked around and noticed that Madam Red, Grell, and Lau were no where in sight. Sebastian, Ciel and I started walking.

"At least Elizabeth isn't here, I would never want her to see me like this." Ciel shivered.

"That, and she would ruin the whole party with her incessant whining." I muttered ruefully under my breath.

"Please be nice, Lady Jayne." Sebastian scolded. "She is the young masters betrothed after all." I glared at the butler in tutor clothes,

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