His Sister, In Trouble.

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"Are you alright?" Drocell asked as I walked back into the shop. It surprised me that he was there, normally he would be back in his workshop and I would be out front. "I reasoned that you had ran away."

Drocell almost looked sad; the emotion was faint but very much there.

"I'm sorry. I went for a walk and lost track of time." I only half lied. I walked up to him and took his face in my palms.

"Don't leave." He said suddenly. "I asked the master about 'laying low' for a while and he said that we could, after the ring comes back."

I smiled up at him. He didn't want me to leave, then that meant that he must like me. Well of course he did since he asked me to marry him and all. Plus, he asked the master about taking a break for me. I could tell that he honestly didn't want to lose me. I wasn't going to leave anyway, but it was cute none the less.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said truthfully. He smiled at me, and not one of his fake smiles, a real one. One that would melt even the coldest of hearts. It wasn't very big, but I knew that he was making an effort.

"Thank you,"



The sound of a doorbell could be clearly heard though out the entire Phantomhive manor. Ciel snapped his head up in surprise, while lightly placing his work paper back down onto his desk. He hadn't been expecting anyone today, and it couldn't have been Elizabeth because she would have just barged right in, like she had earlier. He hoped that it was his sister, but knew that she too would have just waltzed in. Ciel hadn't heard from Jayne once since she had left, and that worried him greatly. He even had Sebastian go search for her, twice, but each time he came back with the same news. Nothing.

The boy waited patiently for his butler to bring him the guest. Growing bored, he picked up the days news paper. He mindlessly scanned the papers headlines but only one really stood out to him.

.Terrible House Fire Devastates London.

For some reason, the article made Ciel's stomach drop. Just as he was about to read it, Sebastian knocked on his door.

"Young Master, Sir Arthur is here to see you." He bowed as the head of Scotland Yard walked in. Ciel was surprised to say the least, the Yard never came over unless it was something important.

"Ciel," Sir Author sat down in front of the young Phantomhives desk.

"What brings the Yard here, to my humble estate?" Ciel sat back in his massive chair, the newspaper forgotten on his desk. Sir Arthur almost looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I come baring news," He started.

"News? What is so important that you have to come and deliver it personally."

"Have you read this mornings paper yet?" Arthur asked. Such a strange question, Ciel thought to himself.

"I was just about to, before you came in." Ciel motioned towards the paper that was resting on top of his business things.

"Good, I was hoping to tell you before you read it." Sir Author muttered to himself,

"What was that?" The boy raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing." The head of the Yard waved his hands in front of his face.

"You said you had news for me," Ciel said growing bored. "Or perhaps that was a lie, and you just came for a conversation?"

"Oh, no. I have news indeed," Sir Arthur continued to look uncomfortable and kept tugging at his tie. Ciel was beginning to grow impatient, and wished that the man would just get to it already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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