His Sister, Rescued.

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When I awoke, I felt restricted and woozy. My wrists were tied together in front of me and a rope was wrapped around my neck. There was also a blind placed over my eyes. I growled to myself in frustration, how could I have let this happen to me?! As I was coming too, I could hear a booming voice that sounded like the Viscounts.

"And now, what you've all been waiting for. The nights crown jewel."

The next thing I knew I felt dim light hitting my face and heard a murmuring of ohhs. I could tell that their were a few dozen people in the room.

"I'm sure she'd make a lovely decoration, or a sweet little pet. You can keep her whole and healthy, or sell her for parts if you like." I felt myself getting sick in the stomach, but it wasn't from the thought of my body being dismantled and sold to random strangers. It was because I was angry, I wanted nothing more than to break my bonds and wring the stupid Viscount of Druitt's neck. I had a feeling that I wasn't the first person he had auctioned off, but I would make sure that I was definitely the last.

"I can see you're angry, my dear." A voice, his voice, echoed in my head. It was the same voice that had plagued my thoughts and dreams ever since I had fainted on the stairs last month. I kept my face void of anything as the Viscount continued talking in the background, but I was too focused on the familiar voice in my head.

"You think," I thought back sarcastically. I was so use to talking to myself that it was almost second nature to me by now. Although it was still a little strange since I hadn't heard from him in a while. "This man is trying to sell me to a bunch of perverts that are either going to rip me apart or keep me as a pet."

"I can help you." He cackled. I was confused now, how was an imaginary voice suppose to help me? "It's quite amusing that you still haven't figured it out yet."

"Figured what out?" I could tell that I was running out of time. Druitt had started the bidding and his assistant, I'm assuming, removed my blindfold. I noticed that I was in a cage, like a bird.

"Soon, very soon, Blue-jay." The voice whispered into my soul and that's when it all hit me like a freight train. That voice, the familiarity, the nickname, I couldn't believe that I hadn't figured it out sooner.

"Jacob," I whispered. Not a second later the candles were blown out by a mysterious breeze and the whole room was encased in darkness. The cry's and thuds of people and bodies were next to come, but I was strangely calm.

"Took you long enough," I heard Jacob laugh right in front of my face and the candles were magically reanimated. Bodies littered the ground all around me.

"Shut up," I hissed. "How - you- me- what?" My brain couldn't complete simple sentences.

"You'll understand everything soon enough." He smiled and then did something completely amazing. With a flick of his wrist all of my ropes that I was bound by were cut and I sat on the floor bamboozled.

"How about you start by explaining what you just did!" I gushed, my brain finally starting to communicate with my mouth.

"Patience," Jacob picked me up, one arm under my legs, the other under my arms.

"Hey!" I shouted,

"We should probably get going. I called the Yard, they should be here soon."

"What about Ciel?" I asked.

"We'll pick him up on the way," Jacob said simply before running at top speeds, almost as fast as Sebastian when he was bringing me back to the city home. I was dropped off behind the same curtain that the Viscount had taken me through earlier that night. In the main ballroom a magic show was being preformed. Lau was stabbing swords into a large box, while Lizy stood with wide eyes watching.

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