His Sister, Chance Encounter.

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It was the next morning, around noon when something strange arrived on my balcony. I guess it wasn't strange, seeing as it had been there once before, but the sight of it still brought a chill to my spine. There, sitting next to a red rose, was the same white dove that had delivered the invitation from Jacob weeks ago. Oh, excuse me, the invitation from Cora and Carlie that had basically set my crazy train in motion. According to Ciel at least.

I knew I wasn't seeing things that day and I certainly wasn't now. Cautiously, just like the last time, I approached the bird trying to get the envelope that was in its beak. As I stared into it's red eyes, I was surprised that they looked almost human. There were feelings and unknown emotions swirling in its round beady spheres.

"Do you like her?" The voice inside my head asked. I had gotten used to it, or more specifically him, popping up at random times and whispering something here and there. I didn't get the horrible headaches like I used to and I had figured out how to control his volume, to an extent.

"Her? She's quite beautiful," I said admiring the female bird from afar so that she didn't get scared and fly away like last time. Her feathers were pure as snow and her eyes were like rubies. They were almost the color of the rose sitting next to her feet.

"Yes, her. She is my 'apprentice' you could say. Her name is Nina." He said.

"How do you have an apprentice?! You're my illusion!"

I laughed a little, it wasn't possible for my mind to have an apprentice. There just was absolutely no way!

"Keep thinking that, my dear." The voice chuckled. "I'm actually surprised that you haven't figured it out yet, I've shown myself to you multiple times already."

"What?! That can't be possible because, once again, you aren't real. How many times do I have to tell you that?! You're in my mind and a sign that I need to get some more friends."

"Think whatever you like I suppose." He sighed and then was gone.

"Stupid, voice in my head." I fumed before getting closer to the bird, Nina, and grabbing the envelope. Surprisingly, she didn't fly away she just stayed in place and stared at me. I ignored her after a few moments and opened the letter with all to familiar hand writing.


Congratulations! It seems you have figured out my little challenge. I'm sure you have questions and they will all be answered soon enough. Either by me, that book, or your brother's butler

One more thing, I'm advising you to stay in the house tonight. There are just some things that young lady's shouldn't see. Trust me on this one,

Love always,


My eyebrows furrowed. What did he mean by 'stay in the house tonight'? What wasn't I allowed to see? Well, since he was telling me not to go, my decision was made. I was going to follow Ciel and Sebastian out tonight and find out what they were up to. Between my natural curiosity and Jacobs warning, there just was no way that I was going to stay away.

Staring into the mirror I couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. What if Jacob was right and I should just stay in? I couldn't think of such things. I had information to get, and I wasn't about to let some little girl fears get in my way.


I let out a growl of frustration. I had been wondering about this town for the past hour frantically searching for my brother, but to no avail. I had been closely following them up until the time when they turned a corner and seemingly disappeared. I held my coat closer around my body to keep the night chill from setting in. It obviously wasn't working since I was constantly shivering. Not only was it cold, but it had also rained the previous night. This meant that puddles were everywhere I stepped and my boots were now completely soaked through.

One Hell Of A Lover (A Black Butler Love Story)*On Hold*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang