His Sister, Bride-To-Be.

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"Please come again," I said to the lady as she walked out of the store. She had just bought a doll for her granddaughter or something.

All I really cared about was the doll leaving. It was one less creepy face staring at me. The night was going extremely slow, like all the others. Not many people noticed the small shop tucked away behind the buildings. The occasional person would come in every now and then to buy something for their children or grandchildren. But that was basically it,

I had been working in Drocell's shop for almost a week now and as of yet, no one had come looking for me. Even Nina hadn't been back since. I didn't care though, I was happy here with Drocell. It was where I was meant to be, I could feel it.

I felt the slight tug in my chest, and instantly got up from my new stool. The master was calling me to him, it must be something important if he wanted to see me alone. Normally, Drocell would be accompanying me, but he was out at the moment. He had said something about the ring falling into the wrong hands, so he had to go 'take care of it.' I didn't know what that meant, but I didn't care to ask.

I walked to the back of the store and down the creepy hallway, which wasn't so creepy anymore. In the back of the store was the large tower and manor which was where the master resided. I had a weird feeling about him, but didn't dare voice my opinion.

I walked past the blonde girl, like always, and gave her a quick short wave. Drocell had explained that she was like me, us, only she wasn't aloud to be as free as I was. I was the puppet masters favorite after all, something I took great pride in. When I reached the large doors I knocked once before entering, just as Drocell had taught me. The master was in the same place that he always was, sitting in his large chair facing the windows.

"You wanted to see me master?" I bowed in respect. In the span that I had been here, I had noticed that Drocell and I spoke very differently. It was like he could only speak in broken sentences, where as I had no trouble at all.

"I am going to give you two choices my dear Jayne." Master said right off the bat.

"Alright," I stood up strait.

"First, you stay here and be my servant and be Drocell's bride. Or you may leave," He chuckled darkly.

"I think that," I thought of Drocell. He was nice, polite, and handsome. He may not show very much emotion, but he did occasionally when he was around me. Would it be so bad to stay here with him? All thoughts of Jacob and Sebastian were thrown from my mind.

"I'd like to stay." I finally said. I knew what I was giving up, my wealth, my possessions, my life. I knew that I would more than likely never get to see my brother, my friends, even Sebastian, Jacob, or Henri. But, for some reason that didn't bother me. I was perfectly content being here with Drocell.

"That's good, because if you would have chose the second option, I would have had to kill you." The master cackled. "Dismissed."

"Of course, master." I bowed once more before backing out of the room and closing the doors.

I want to say that it was a large transition going from a rich noblewoman to a servant, but it hadn't bothered me in the slightest. I hadn't thought once about my old life, or the life I could have had living in the city at my Aunts house. I can say though that it shocked me a bit, to know that Henri never came to get me or even went looking.

When I got back to the store, I went back to what I was doing before. Sitting on a chair behind the cash register. It may be boring here most of the time, but I didn't mind.

I stared at the door for an unknown amount of time, but it felt like an eternity. The sun was just about to peak out from the horizon when Drocell finally walked back through the door. He walked straight over to the counter and placed a small dark velvet box in front of me.

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