His Sister, Different.

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"Oh, hello." I said uneasily. He just continued to stare at me with his lifeless, enchanting eyes.

"What are you doing stupid girl?! Get out of here." The voice in my head screamed.

"What are you talking about? I doubt this man is going to do anything." I thought back since I obviously couldn't talk back.

"You don't understand anything! You're too naive! Now get out,"

"Calm down! You're not the one in charge here, you're just some stupid imaginary voice in my head. Why should I listen to you?!"

"Because every time you don't, you get in some type of trouble." He was right, every time I did something that he told me not to, I regretted it. But not this time. No, I wasn't going to listen to the dark voice, I was going to find out the things that I needed to know.

"Just shut up! I know what I'm doing!" I hissed at him,

"Fine. But, if you get yourself into a bind then don't come crying to me. But one more thing before I go,"

"What?!" I just wanted him gone already,

"Remember Nina?" He asked,

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Use her to you advantage. Since Nina listens to me, naturally she's going to listen to you as well. She is your messenger of sorts. If someone needs to get in contact with you, but they don't know how, then Nina will be there. This works the other way as well, if you need to contact someone and have no means to then Nina will appear." He explained.

"Right, thanks for that wonderful piece of information." I rolled my eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me!"

After my fight with the stupid little voice, I noticed that the orange haired man was still staring at me. It was slightly awkward, so I decided to start a conversation. I would have to play nice for now, so that I could get information later.

"You're Drocell, right?" He nodded his head.

After a few moments of awkward silence, I thought that I should introduce myself. "Um, my name is-."

"Jayne Phantomhive." He said quietly and started to walk towards me. I was frozen in the spot I was standing, plus the only other escape route was the black hallway. "Beautiful, with porcelain skin, golden hair and perfect features. It would be a shame not to make you into a doll that befits such beauty."

"Umm," I was beginning to feel uncomfortable, so much so that I was seriously debating weather or not to take my chances on the creepy hallway. But then again, I couldn't help but feel slightly flattered as he stood and complemented me. "Thank you?"

"Come with me, please." He took my arm and started to lead me down the dark hallway and away from the light of the window.

The hallway was cold and damp, and it was obvious that it hadn't seen any light in the last few years. I could tell that it had been used quite a few times though, the floor was soft and treaded on, almost like there were trails running the length of the floor. At the end of the hallway was a door, and like every thing else here it was creepy and dark. Drocell's pace was fast, but not rushed. He led me through the door and surprisingly outside. At the back of the shop was a huge tower, it looked like one that Rapunzel should have been inside throwing her hair out.

We continued out pace out to the giant castle tower. When we got inside, the first thing I noticed was the girl standing on a podium. She looked to be real, but she wasn't breathing nor was she moving an inch. If this was a doll then it was exquisite.

One Hell Of A Lover (A Black Butler Love Story)*On Hold*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz