His Sister, Deathly Pale.

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The next day I woke up to birds chirping outside and the sun streaming in through my still open curtains. My head was pounding and a cold sweat was on my forehead, like I had just woken up from a bad dream that I had no memory of. My throat was dry and my eyes heavy and droopy with sleep deprivation. Judging by how high the sun was I suspected it was about nine in the morning, later than I normally would awaken. I didn't bother getting out of bed though, I didn't have enough energy and even if I did, I didn't feel like seeing anyone today. I didn't want to feel like an outcast, like an insane person. I know what I saw,

I could hear someone's footsteps coming down the hall, they were too pronounced to be Ciel's so they must have been Sebastian's. I held my breathe and sunk deeper in the covers of my bed, I didn't feel like putting up with him at the moment. I wanted his footsteps to walk past my room and continue down the hallway, but of course I knew that that wasn't going to happen. Just like I suspected I heard him stop in front of my door, he was no doubt, going to scold me for sleeping in so late.

I heard two short and steady knocks on the steady oak. I ignored them, maybe he'll think I'm asleep. Once again the knocks came back only this time there was more and they were louder, echoing throughout the room. I squeezed my eyes shut willing the person to take the hint and leave, of course that wasn't happening. I heard the knocking seize and the door handle being turned, why didn't I lock my door last night?! My eyes were being held closed so tightly that the skin around them was turning white. Everything was quiet, nothing but my irregular breathing could be heard. Did Sebastian leave? I hadn't heard the door close or any more footsteps, inside or outside of my room. He couldn't have just vanished.

I decided that I would be brave and open my eyes just a crack to see what was going on. I slowly let my eyes open, just enough that I could see through a little crack at the bottom. Everything looked fine, so I opened them a little farther until I finally opened them all the way. My head was facing the window which meant that the sunlight was hitting my face. I grimaced from the brightness and turned away, only to let out a piercing scream and rolling off my bed. I looked up into the red eyes of Sebastian.

"Did I frighten you, Lady Jayne?" He smirk. He did that on purpose, we both know he did.

"No, not at all Sebastian. I was just getting up anyway." I said through tight lips, my voice dripping with venom. I could be the sweetest girl on earth at times, but others like right now I could be the devil himself. "Did you need something?" I asked standing up, and dusting off my now aching back and bottom.

"The young master would like me to inform you that, Madam Red is here for your checkup." He said. I groaned.

"I'm fine. I don't need a checkup," I heatedly replied. Sebastian made a tisking noise before reaching his gloved hand out and placing it on my cheek. I slapped it away embarrassed and turned away, hiding the blush that was covering the majority of my face.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted coldly at the black butler.

"Your feeling feverish, my lady. Please get ready, I'll be waiting outside to escort you downstairs." He bowed before leaving.

How dare he touch me like that! It was totally out of the blue and inappropriate. Although it wasn't completely unliked. What was I saying! Just because Sebastian had every other girl on Earth falling for him it didn't mean I would. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and walked over to my dresser. I knew how impatient Madam Red could get,

I pulled out one of my newer dresses. I was a dark burgundy color with black accents. Black ruffles that went under the dress and a row of black ruffles above my bust. The dark burgundy bow tied in the front and the long ends hung down. I had never warn it before, I don't know why though, it was cute. I didn't feel like wearing my boots today so I opted instead for some plain black flats. I opened my jewelry box and pulled out my mother's necklace. I clasped it around my neck and slipped it under the fabric of my dress.

Once my hair was brushed and my makeup done I stood from my vanity table only to sit back down again. My head was spinning, everything was blurry and black dots were clouding my vision. I took a few deep breathes to calm my racing heart, which was beating abnormally fast. The room suddenly felt like it was a thousand degrees and I felt like I was on fire. My breathe was getting faster and more erratic, I was panicking now. My head was pounding and my throat was to dry to call out to anyone. My hands were clenched on the table in front of my so hard that my knuckles were turning white from the presser of my grip. I felt like I was going to faint at any moment. I sat patiently waiting for the darkness to over take me, but it never did.

After a few moments that felt like and eternity, my breathing got steadier and my heart beat went back to normal. The black dots that had plagued my vision were no longer, and the room was once again returning to normal. The worst was over, for now at least.

I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped. I looked like I had just seen a ghost, shocked and frightened. My hair was frizzled and out of place, my eyes were wide and tear-filled. My usually rosy cheeks were pale as a sheet and my face looked warn and thin. I looked like death itself. I slowly fixed my hair and dried my eyes. A little blush on my cheeks and I looked a little better, I still looked sick, but not as bad.

Slowly I stood up, hoping not to cause another attack, and walked toward my door. Sebastian was waiting, just like he had promised. I tried to smile up at him, but it just came out as a crocked line.

"Are you alright, Lady Jayne?" Sebastian asked in his fake concerned voice.

"I'm fine, let's go. Madame Red is waiting." I shoved past him and started walking towards the staircase. Sebastian was walking in tow not saying a word.

I was doing fine with keeping my head up and acting like nothing was wrong, until I reached the steps. That's when everything started to slip. I clutched the banister so I wouldn't fall and basically leaned all of my weight onto it. Sebastian noticed my struggle and slipped his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright, my lady?" If I wouldn't have been squeezing my eyes shut trying not to focus on the pain in my head I would have noticed the genuine concern in the butler's eyes.

"I'm fine!" I growled out through clenched teeth. I feared that if I said any more that I would scream out in pain. If I could only get to the living room then I would be fine.

"Jay, dear?" I heard Aunt Anne's voice call up the stairs. "Are you alright?" She must have heard Sebastian and I. I could see through my squinted eyes that Ciel was standing beside her.

"Sebastian?" He asked. Great look what you caused Sebastian. If you would have just left me alone I wouldn't be in this mess.

"Let me go, Sebastian. I can walk on my own." I ruefully pushed his arm off of my hip and lifted one foot up to descend the stairs. The pain in my head got worse at that exact moment and my vision became fuzzy for the second time that day. I heard a loud scream before my foot slipped, then everything became a blur. I felt weightless like I could fly, like I was an angel.

This was the last thing that I remember before the darkness swallowed me up in it's abyss.

One Hell Of A Lover (A Black Butler Love Story)*On Hold*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora