His Sister, Moving Out.

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My dearest Jayne,

If you are reading this than that means that the queens guard dog has finally caught up to me. Jayne, I have disclosed this letter to you for the sole purpose of telling you the truth. I know that you're brother probably will not tell you, so I feel that it is my responsibility.

I have done some bad things, Jayne, some terrible things. I won't give you any of the details, but please understand that I was weak. I realize now what I am doing, but I'm too far in that there is no way that I'll ever be able to get out of this. My grave has already been dug for me, and I've accepted that.

Please, don't think of me any differently. I want you to remember all of the good memories that we shared, and not this horrible news.

I've always thought of you as my own child, you know that, that is why I feel that it is necessary to tell you this. Please, forget about me and go on with your life, take care of Ciel, and continue to blossom into the wonderful young lady that I know you are.

I want you to have all of my positions, you may do with them what you wish. Please, know that I will always love you and your brother.


Aunt Angelina


I gripped the note, as tears glistened in my blue hues. So Aunt Anne had know that she was going to die? She knew that it was only a matter of time? What had she done that had been so bad? I was still in the dark about what had happened on the night that she was killed. All I can remember is acting on impulse and then watching my Aunt fall dead, murdered.

"Undertaker," I whispered.

"I know, dear. I know." I rushed into his arms as the tears flowed freely down my cheeks and onto his gray sash. This was one of the few times that I just couldn't control my emotions. Why was this happening to me?! Undertaker rubbed soothing circles into my back as I sobbed into his chest.

"Tell me what happened." I demanded through my sniffles, leaning up so that my eyes looked right into his banged ones.

"I don't know if that is such a good idea,"

"Please," I begged. "I need to know."

"Well alright, I suppose you deserve to know. She was your aunt after all." The Undertaker sighed. "Do you remember last week when you came into my shop and we were talking about Jack the Ripper?"

"Yes, but I don't understand what this has to do with Madam Red. Please, just get to the point." I wasn't in the mood for idle chit-chat I wanted information. Undertaker giggled his insane laugh,

"Madam Red was Jack the Ripper."

"What? No, you're lying." I ripped myself away from the strange man whom I'd always thought of as my father figure, or a weird uncle.

"I'm afraid not, my dear." I could tell by his voice that he wasn't lying. Why had I doubted him before, he wasn't a liar.

"She killed all of those woman." I looked back at the letter.

I have done some bad things, Jayne, some terrible things. I won't give you any of the details, but please understand that I was weak. I realize now what I am doing, but I'm too far in that there is no way that I'll ever be able to get out of this. My grave has already been dug for me, and I've accepted that.

Her words made sense. I understand now, Madam Red. If only I knew the reason she had done it, then maybe I could fully understand. I neatly folded her letter and placed it in the top of my dress.

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