His Sister,...Grell

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The darkness surrounded me. Suffocated me. I couldn't breathe. He was chasing me, Who? I don't know. I could hear him, coming closer, closer. What is that? Is that a house? yes, a house, my house. I was almost there. Closer, closer. He was coming. I had to go faster, but I couldn't. My legs wouldn't move. Wait, who is that? That's mommy and daddy. They both stood inside the house, the doors wide open for me, with happy smiles on their faces. Mommy was laughing and daddy was holding out his had to me, 'Come now little Blue-jay', he was saying. I'm coming daddy.

Wait, why was the house smoking? Why was it, red? Fire. My house was on fire.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I screamed at them.

The flames were biting at their feet. Why were they still smiling? Shouldn't they be screaming?

"Mommy! Daddy!" Why weren't they listening?! Why couldn't I get any closer to them? It was like I was running in place. The house was still so far away and he was coming closer with every second. 'Come now little Bluejay' I could hear daddy say over and over in my mind. The flames had fully over taken them. No, why was this happening? My parents were burning to death right in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. I had to get to them. I had to.

I used all my strength to force myself to move, one step at a time. I was almost there, almost to the steps. I was at the door now, I reached out my hand. Slam. The doors closed, in my face. No. My fists were pounding on the thick wooden door, when a hand grabbed my shoulder and flipped me around. He had found me. I looked up into my pursuers eyes and saw red. Blood red. Sebastian? He had the same smirk on his face that he always wore but, there was something wrong with his eyes. They were more evil, more demonic. I hadn't noticed before but, black raven feathers were falling from the sky.

I woke up to birds chirping and the sun shining through my windows. How could such a peaceful morning exist after that dream. I sat up and stretched my arms over my head. That dream had startled me, Sebastian's eyes, the fire, my parents, the black feathers. There was a knock at my door interrupting my thoughts, Sebastian's head appeared from behind it. "My Lady, I do hope that your awake. It's time for breakfast. Young Master is already in the dining area." Fake smile, red/brown eyes, the real Sebastian.

"Lady Jayne, are you alright?" My eyes snapped away from Sebastian and down to the pale blue comforter.

"I'm fine Sebastian, I'll be down in a few minutes." No I wasn't, I wasn't fine at all.

I got out of bed slowly to get ready for the day. Ciel had to go into town today to pick up his walking stick so, I was going with him. I decided to wear a long sleeved bright blue dress with black ruffles and corset that flowed down to the floor. My hair was just brushed out to its full length, which went down to the middle of my back. I didn't feel like doing my hair today, that nightmare had left me restless. What did it mean? Oh well, i'm sure it was just a silly nightmare. My boots clicked as I walked down the hall to the room that breakfast was being served in.

"Good morning, Ciel. Good morning Sebastian, Finni, May-rin, Bard." I said taking a seat next to him. Not really listening to their choir of greetings.

"Good morning, little Blue-jay."


"What? What did you just say?"

"I said good morning Jay. Are you alright, you look a little pale." He asked a hint of worry in his normally emotionless eyes.

"Yea, i'm fine just a little tired," I told him, it wasn't a total lie.

"Noooooooooooo!" A tea cart with Aunties butler Grell Sutcliff on top of it slammed into the room, running into Finni and spilling hot tea all over him.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!"

"I-i'm so sorry! I'll wipe it off!" Came the annoying voice of the red butler. Ciel wasn't paying any attention to what was going on right in front of him, he was just quietly eating his food. That was well until Grell reached for a napkin and brought the whole table cloth down with him, spilling everything on the floor. Why did my brother agree to take him in. As if reading my mind Bard, the 'chef', voiced my thoughts.

"Young master, why did you agree to take in such a useless idiot."

"Your one to talk Bard." I didn't bother holding in my giggle of amusement, which caused Bard to give me a look. "It didn't seem like such a bad idea at the time." Ha, I bet Aunty convinced Ciel to take him, she can be quite persuasive. I could just see her asking Ciel now. "Oh Ciel darling, I have a problem Grell is hopelessly incompetent. Could you do me a tiny favor and have Sebastian train him to be a decent butler. Can't refuse your favorite aunt can you." Judging by Ciel's face he was thinking the same thing.

"I thought Sebastian would be the only one inconvenienced by this. I didn't realize that I would be affected by it as well." Oh, so that was Ciel's reasoning, to annoy Sebastian. I swear Ciel does everything in his power to annoy that butler and one of these days he's going to leave. Or kill him, whichever comes first.

"Ho, ho, ho," Tanaka.....

"I'm so sorry for causing all this trouble," Grell said kneeling on the floor. "I simply don't know how to apologize enough. Wait that's it! The only thing I can do now is die!!!" Wooo wait! Where did that dagger come from!? "I shall atone by my death." Okay, it was time to step in now since obviously Ciel was not.

"Hey! Calm down a second, no need to do anything rash Grell. I'm sure it was just an accident." I smiled kindly at him as I knelled down to his level on the floor. I could hear Mey-rin and Bard whispering behind me. "When did he get a knife?"Sebastian stepped up behind me, placing his hand on the mans shoulder also trying to calm him down.

"There is no need for that." Thank god, at least someone was going to take charge of this situation. It already seems that Sebastian had caught Grell's attention. "Just think of the horrible mess you'd make. It'd take hours to clean up all the blood." I sweat dropped. Well Sebastian never did seems like the most 'compassionate' person in the world but still, did he have to be so cruel. The man was threatening his life for gods sake.

"Thank you, Sebastian." Waaa? I looked over and Grell was basically groveling at Sebastian's feet with wide admiring eyes. What was going on here? I stood up from my place on the ground and walked over to stand by Bard, Finny, and Mey-rin. "Your so very kind,"

Bard leaned in and whispered, "That was kindness?" We all shook our heads no. Sebastian wasn't done talking apparently.

"Now what I'd like to know is how you could ever think it was ever acceptable to serve the masters such weak tea." Oh, Sebastian. He just kept on talking, something about how to prepare tea the 'proper' way. I didn't listen and returned to my seat beside Ciel at the now perfectly smoothed down table clothe. Oh gee I wonder who did that. Sebastian set a cup full of tea in front of both me and Ciel. I sipped mine, it was perfect, of course. Sebastian could never make a bad pot of tea.

"Young Master, My Lady, are you ready it's almost time." He checked his watch. " I have the carriage waiting outside."


"Now as for the rest of you," he said turning to the servants. "I want this place absolutely spotless understand?" I had to hold back a laugh, them clean. Never. "Grell perhaps you should just sit there and relax so you don't cause any more trouble." Wise move Sebby. "Oh, and if you do decide to seek your eternal rest please see to it outside would you? And please don't make to big of a mess," my hand slapped on my forehead. He just had to say that didn't he...of course he did he's Sebastian.

"What generosity.....what kindness." Wow.....


"Extra, extra get your paper here, all the latest news. Prostitute mysteriously murdered." A little scruffy boy was handing out the days newspaper in the intersection. I took one and muttered a thank you. It was true the front page was "Murder of a mysterious prostitute." This better not get out of hand or else the Queens guard dog will have to get involved. Ciel had to go pick up his new walking stick, Finny broke his last one. Which was a very funny sight, Ciel didn't think so but, he's a sour puss so his opinion doesn't matter. I was currently walking around aimlessly I didn't feel the need to go with Ciel to run his errands so I told them I would meet them elsewhere. Besides I had my own errands to run. A sly smile spread across my face as I walked into my destination.

"Undertaker!!!!" I shouted.

One Hell Of A Lover (A Black Butler Love Story)*On Hold*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu