Chapter 28

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Inline comment? (I purposely got this chapter up before I leave home.) Pweeeeeeese? *throws donuts*

"No, no, no." Jack watch in horror. Ami fell in front of his very own eyes, down into the sea.


Jack looked away, afraid he might not see her come up for air. I taught her well enough, didn't I?

He slowly turned around and looked out. He didn't see her. What if she died? It would be all his fault. He dragged her away from the wedding. He forced her into the woods. It was all his doing. If only he hadn't been so selfish. If he hadn't forced her to escape. If he had only listened to his parents and Madison. But no. He stubbornly insisted upon skipping his royal duties, just to please himself.

God, if you're really up there, wherever there is, please, please, please, keep Ami safe. Help her to be able to swim or something. I know this is all my fault. I promise I'll believe in You if you save her. I'll be less selfish. I'll be the perfect husband - anything. Just please save her.

He sank to the brig's floor.

Bam. A cannon ball crashed through the brig's wall and slammed into the other side. Wood splinters flew across the confined area, one barely missed Jack's face, another pierced his thigh.

He howled in pain, blood seeped through his trousers and stained them scarlet. Jack grabbed the wooden splinter and yanked it out of his leg. It was not a big fat splinter, but it hurt all the same.

The only good thing that came from the explosion was the gaping hole in the brig, which was just large enough for Jack to fit through.

Jack stood up and kicked the opening to clear away the splintered wood that was poking every which way.

The wood cracked and fell into the water below.

Jack stuck his feet through the hole, wincing at the pain it caused him, and wiggled all the way out of the brig and into the water.

Crack. Jack fell on top of a small piece of driftwood, snapping it in two, before he sank underwater.

My leg hurts worse than when I broke my arm.

He broke through the surface and gulped in the salty air.

The cannons continued to fire relentlessly on the Valerie. Many of the shots ended up in the sea, making the path to the island lethal. God, if You're real, please protect me.

Jack started swimming towards the island. His injured leg stang every time he propelled himself forward.

Smoke wafted through the air. Cannon balls splashed close to Jack. Commands and curses were yelled above on the ship. The loud boom of the cannons deafened Jack.

He swam onward. I must find Ami. His eyes swept the ocean, carefully looking for Ami. She knows how to swim. She won't drown. She's probably already on the island. She has to be. He kept swimming. One arm after the other. His leg ached, but he kept at it.


He jerked his head to the right. "Ami?"

He blinked a couple times to make sure his leg wasn't making him delirious.

"Jack, can you help me get to the island?" It was unmistakably Ami in flesh and blood.

"My leg." Jack swam towards the stack and pulled himself up. "It hurts like crazy and something needs to be done"

"Oh no," she bit her lip.

His thigh had a ditch and it was bloody.

"Let me rip my dress, then we can use it to wrap it up." She took hold of the hem and pulled.

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