Twenty Five

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"It's not that big of a deal, we can accessorize." Stacey assured me.

"How can we accessorize this?" I asked holding up my cast. "It's yellow!"

"Well...I don't know, we'll paint it white or something!"

"I don't think you're supposed to paint those things, something about getting them wet or whatever." Mia snorted from Stacey's feet, she was on the ground sitting cross legged and painting Stacey's toe nails, when I glanced down she was painting them blue and suddenly I was reminded of the fact that she a Pietro were having a boy and likely, did not know.

But Ugo did.

"I just want it off." I said and tapped it on the arm chair. We were seated around the pool, as we often did. The girls were in bikini's, and I was in pajamas, as I had been the past two days since waking up.

"It's been almost a week already, it won't be too long." Stacey assured me.

"Wait, how are you even going to get it off?" Mia asked and hesitated at the next toe, she leaned back to look at me. "You know a doctor has to take that off? They use like a little saw thing, I had ankle surgery once and had to have a cast."

"Maybe I should just keep it." I raised the cast to look at it. "If Alessio is going to be all homicidal mobster again clearly our lives will never be safe again, I could use a weapon. Blunt force you know." I smacked it off the arm harder. "Clobber anyone with it who I think is a threat."

"Yeah! We'll call it your bionic arm!" Mia agreed excitedly. "We can color it black with sharpies to make it look all badass and dangerous."

"I can hide a switch blade in there!"


"No!" Stacey said loudly. "You're not sticking anything down your cast. It will get stuck. Haven't you ever heard about people sticking pencils in to scratch and it getting stuck?"

"I'll get you a switch blade." Mia whispered and Stacy rolled her eyes.

"You're getting it removed. And if you stop smacking it off of things you might even heal in six weeks and have it off before the wedding."

"I'm not going to a doctor who has a saw! Are you crazy?"

"It's probably not even a saw, probably a small power tool of sorts."

"I'm not going to a doctor with power tools either." I positioned my hands palm up. First the cooking cut on my left hand, and now the fracture on the right wrist. What luck.

When I glanced up Alessio and Pietro were on their way to us.

"You're still in your pajamas?"

"I thought I was the one with brain damage." I stated flatly.

Alessio sighed. "We're going." His hands went into the pockets of his slacks casually, shiny gun flashed at his side. "You should get up Katherine. Get dressed, go out. Why don't you and the girls go look at dresses or something?"

I huffed and adjusted angrily on my seat. "Looking like this? All bruised and banged up. I have a cast Alessio, a cast."

"And a wedding Katherine, a wedding. While I may have no qualms with you walking down the aisle without a dress, my mother, your uncle, some others, might disagree."

The bulky cast made crossing my arms over my chest awkward but I did so anyway. "You wouldn't let me walk down naked. You're too territorial for that."

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