Thirty One

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Alessio was raging when he found me. "After the attack last week how could you fὑcking disappear like that? I thought you were kidnapped, or worse. What are you doing in here? I've been looking everywhere for you."

I'd picked a room in the house and set up camp, not our bedroom, not even the same floor as our bedroom.

"Perhaps I wasn't in the mood to be found." I replied not bothering to look up from the magazine I'd been browsing through as I laid on my stomach across the bed in the room that used to be Sergio's.

"You left dinner, you haven't answered my texts, I was worried." He explained gravely, was this the part I was supposed to realize the error of my ways and beg for his love and forgiveness? Ha! As if.

"You seemed preoccupied." I said and flipped the page dramatically.

"I had no clue they were going to be there. Sergio couldn't have picked a stupider place to be if he wanted to avoid Padre."

"But you knew he was alive-" I turned the page in my magazine so forcefully it torn towards the center. "-Didn't you."
He sighed heavily and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I did."

"Hmph." Another angry page turn.


I bounced up to my knees and hurled the magazine at his head. It sailed through the air about as well as you could expect, it came open, and flopped around in the air before losing direction completely and falling to the floor far before ever reaching him. "You lied to me!" I yelled.

"I just found out I thought-"

"About Aria! You lied!"

He grew ridiculously silent, his expression remained neutral as it always did. He was sizing me up, wondering perhaps what I knew, too smart to tell me and risk exposing more.

"You were together."

"I have a past Katherine, same as you. I'm not going to apologize for living a life before I met you."

"Don't turn this around to make me look like some sort of idiot Alessio. This isn't about you having a past. You lied, you told me all the girls you had dated died Alessio. Died. You didn't want to date me because everyone you dated died. Does she look dead to you? Because she looks very alive to me!"

"I specifically said girls I had dated in the past had been killed. Not everyone had."

I shook my head furiously. "I asked you when I first met her. You said no, you said she was family. You lied straight to my face!"

"She is family. The Moretti family have been our long time allies, I didn't think someone I had a little fling with when I was a teen mattered. We were just kids, we didn't even get together because we liked each other. It was expected of us."

"Oh and that's just like you isn't it. Always doing what Daddy expects of you, huh?" I crawled to the end of the bed and came to my feet for the argument. "You know once upon a time I thought you were so powerful, no one questioned you, you never get worked up, don't yell or get angry you can just talk and everyone scurries. I had no idea how pathetic you are! Whatever Daddy says goes, doesn't it!"

"We are moving, leaving, getting away from him and Madre and everyone else."

"That's why he called her? Isn't it? And don't you die lie to me! He hates me and he wants you with her."

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