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I don't know what to even say, especially after having not been on wattpad at all in so long...so...uhm, TGIF?

I did promise you guys an ending. There were many times when I wasn't sure it would come, times when I would hate my own story, times when a chapter would have so many negative comments I thought no freaking way, times when I just didn't feel a creative spark or like a good writer, there were time when i just didn't feel like it or worse, a breech in privacy. But I did promise you guys an ending, I told you guys you deserved it, and I did too. So here it is.

I don't know if it is the ending you wanted, or needed, or even if it was the ending I had planned (it wasn't). I try to write my stories realistically, which sometimes means that a romance ends, there is no happily ever. Which meant our Alessio could never completely leave the Mafia, it is who he is after all. But I couldn't write an ending that closed the door on our Kate and Alessio. I found after everything they had done to each other, with each other, for each other, three books, somewhere around 325,000 words, I could not end Kalessio.

So, thank you to everyone who has stuck with the story, despite over dramaticness, when things were too much, not enough, long wait between updates, crap translations, and too many ups and downs along with my own massive rants. Especially the people who followed the story when it wasn't popular, when I thought 12 votes was a lot, when it climb from 12, to 20, to 50, my first time getting 100 votes on a single chapter seemed so huge to me and look at us now. 

You readers are amazing. I've been flooded with requests not only to continue the story, but also just hoping to hear that I am okay, and I am, and I appreciate that you internet strangers have cared enough to take an interest in my well being. 

I do hope you'll follower me on Wattpad, I have a lot of ideas swimming around in my head, and while I don't have any sort of timelines in my head for when I will tackle these, I do so hope I will have fans that stem beyond just this trilogy. So, for now, I bid you all a final farewell, and one last thank you for reading and TGIF

<3 <3 <3 

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