Twenty Six

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"You believe them don't you?" Pietro asked. "Even if they did give us their sales slips with as many people they've sold to it would take us hours to sort through them and would role out almost no one. Hell, even we would be on that list."

"Yes Pietro, I realize that but it's more than nothing like we've got now! Their refusal to give it to us-"

"Is exactly what you would do too. To give it to you at all would be a break to Omerta."

"What would you have me do? Accept the fact that my Katherine was one necklace slip away from death? Allow a potential threat to my wife to just roam about free to do so again? Damn it!" To make my point I shot through the foot of our hostage.

"He's not going to give you the list even if you shoot him in the dick." Pietro said flatly. "You wouldn't talk even if yours was being sawed off."

"I'm not opposed to doing that to him or anyone else who threatens her."

"Great. Start with your father."

My phone rang before I could address that one. "What?" I demanded without a glance to the caller ID.

"Luridi branco di cani bastardy!"

(Filthy bunch of sons-of-bitches)

"Ari?" She had resounded to silence since Padre had killed Sergio, she'd spoken to and seen Pietro on several occasions but not to me. Something was wrong. "Calmati. Cosa c'e"

(Calm down. What's wrong?)

Pietro patted our hostage on the shoulder. "Don't go anywhere friend, yes?" As though he had a choice being bound to a chair. I followed him out the door with my full focus on the phone.

"Sei un stronzo!"

(You're an asshole)

She hung up and I stopped at the side of the car and stared at my phone. "Very mature."

"What'd she say."

"I'm an asshole."

"I know, but what did she say?" I gave him a frustrated look.

"Just drive." I muttered getting into the car and calling her again, she didn't answer this time. I sighed and let the line quiet for several moments before begrudgingly telling her only that we would be over.

I thought surely I'd have to beat my way into the house but when we approached every single guard turned their head away.

Pietro and I exchanged looks but didn't hesitate in going up the marble stairs, skipping one or two at a time.

"She told them to let us in but not to tell Dante." I thought out loud. "If they saw us, under code they would have to tell Dante..." So they weren't seeing us, nor were they foolish enough to turn their backs either though. She was at least healthy enough to give instruction if nothing else.

We came into her room and I spun quickly to survey the whole place, it was empty. "Damn it-" I started and stopped when she came into the room.

She was carrying a first aid kit and wearing a bruise along her cheek. I cut in front of her and put my hand to her cheek. She jerked backwards but I went in for it again. "What the fὑck happened?" I demanded.

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