How I don't like tea

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Thanks for all the lovely comments at the end of the last Chapter! You all said lovely things!

The cover for this book is slightly different as I figured we needed a change!

About dedicated chapters: I really hate author notes in the middle of chapters so I won't announce who the chapter is dedicated too, however I can confirm that the first twelve chapters will be dedicated to different people for their constant support so you may find you have a dedication :)

Anyway! I can't distract you any longer! Let us begin...


The applause in the theatre was huge. Everyone was absolutely ecstatic. The studio's show had just been performed and it went amazing. Leon and Violetta lead the performance and they were perfect. The kids were all on stage bowing at this point and from backstage I could see German on the front row clapping and cheering. He is so proud of how far Violetta has come, we all are.

A moment later, Antonio comes out on stage.

"Thank you. Thank you." he begins, "We would like to thank you for attending tonight. The students have worked long and hard on this and we are so glad for the success. I would just like to finish by thanking the teaching staff of the studio. They have all worked incredibly hard on this project but admittedly one more than others. So on behalf of myself, the pupils and the staff, we would like to give a huge thank you to Mrs Angeles Castillo!"

I'm shocked but I'm dragged on stage immediately to join the applause. Beto comes over with a bouquet of flowers and Pablo comes and hugs me too. Gregorio gives me a slight nod and resumes a position next to Antonio. The applause continues and I see German is clapping like mad on the front row. He is so happy with everything.

"We would also like to thank Angie and her husband because thanks to them you can purchase a CD of all the songs featured in the show today."

More applause followed but German just smiled. He isn't going to clap for himself. When he notices me he blows me a kiss and that makes me smile, but I don't see him for long.

All of the students begin to wave as the curtains are drawn and the music plays out.

Violetta comes up and hugs me when the curtains are drawn. This was the final show after doing on every night this week and it went amazing. German has been to every performance but still acts like he hasn't seen it.

"They called you Mrs Castillo!" screams Violetta, "That's amazing! I haven't heard anyone call you that yet!"

"I have!" I reply, "I had to change everything! My passport, my bankcard, my postal details!"

Violetta was laughing but I was deadly serious. Over the past two months it has been constant visits to places to inform them of my new surname and every place seems to say 'Congratulations on your marriage!' in the most annoying monotone voice I have ever heard. There is no enthusiasm in their voices. Not ever.

Violetta didn't have to change out of her costume today since it was the last performance, so instead she kept it on so we could get home sooner. We could just return the outfit Monday.

I bid everyone goodbye and then we met German at the back of the theatre as we had done all week. When we got there, Violetta gave him a massive hug.

"Violetta," he says hugging her, "You were a star out there. Exactly like your mother. It's so hard to believe that this is your penultimate studio show!"

"I know!" says Violetta, "There will only be one more and that make's me really sad to think about!"

"Then don't! Think about what an amazing show you just did!"

Violetta hugs him once more and then steps back.

"Couple time!" she sings as she skips towards the car.

This is Violetta's newest thing. Whenever she thinks German and I need a moment alone, she sings 'Couple time' and then skips off. I'm not complaining as it's quite nice to have some privacy but when your in public it's rather awkward.

As Violetta skips towards the car, German and I follow behind, holding hands.

"You look tired." he says as we are hit with the cool evening air.

"I am." I reply, dropping my head onto his shoulder.

"Let's get you home and rested then." he says as we reach the car.

He opens the door for me and I jump in the passengers seat. Violetta flops in the back and German drives. I don't particularly fancy talking as my eyes are already dropping but it's not an issue as Violetta has plenty to say.

I'm gradually beginning to ignore what she is saying. I close my eyes but I'm not asleep.

When the car comes to a stop, I rub my eyes so I can get out, but before I even try the door is opened and I'm being lifted from my seat. I don't fight Germans grip. Instead I embrace it and nuzzle into his chest.

It has been such a tiring week so this is lovely. When we are inside I hear Violetta speaking to Olga and Ramallo in the living room but I can't make out what they're saying. German doesn't stop or put me down like I am expecting, instead he carries me up the stairs and places me on the bed. I don't do or say anything just lie there as I trust German. I feel him slide off my heels before placing the cover over me.

I flutter my eyes open slightly and see he kneels just at the bedside. He smiles when he notices me looking at him and then gently kisses me on the head.

"Tomorrow, we have to talk about something. I've been trying to since before we got married but things have been too busy. We will have plenty of time to talk about it tomorrow. Goodnight. I love you." He begins to stand up and head for the door.

"I love you too." I say as I watch him gently close the door.

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