A Bad Response

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Tears are now streaming down my face but I can still see their faces. The looks of shock, disappointment and upset are across their faces and I don't know what to do. So I turn around and begin to run towards the stairs. At that moment, German comes out and when he sees how fast I'm running he blocks my path. I reach him and with no where to go I fall to his feet in tears. German quickly scoops me up off the floor and into his arms. He holds me tightly and doesn't let go as he walks up the stairs.

"Angie," he whispers, "It's okay. It's okay."

"They don't approve. They say it's wrong." I say between sobs, my voice is loud and echoes through the house.

"Shh...Angie don't stress. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. You're going to get some rest now okay?"

I didn't say anything. I just sat there sobbing into his shirt. I do this so often now that I'm surprised he doesn't need new ones.

When we reach our room, German closes the door and lays me on the bed. He pulls the cover over me, hoping that my fatigue will win and that I'll fall asleep but I cannot. All I can do is cry. German notices this so climbs into bed beside me and pulls me into him so I can cry into his shirt. I accept his embrace as it's what I need most at this moment. I cry and cry and I feel like I may drain myself of all water through my tears.

After a while, I stop crying and I just lie there, hollow, and I am being pulled into sleep. I let my eyes drop, as sleep beckons me.

"I better sort everything." whispers German as he kisses me on the forehead, "Sleep well."

I was falling to sleep when I heard Germans voice again.

"You're her family." I hear him say, "How could you?"

"How could you German? How could you betray Maria?" I hear my mother say.

"I haven't!" says German rather mad, but also hurt, "Maria is gone, Angie is here. I'm going to make the most of that and I don't see why you aren't."

"You can't say that!" cries my mother, her voice cracking.

"Don't do this to Angie, the stress could kill her!" screams Pablo.

"The stress was all about you!" yells German, "She wants this, what she doesn't want is her family disapproving!"

"How do you expect us to feel? Have you even told Violetta?" cries my mother.

Suddenly I hear the door swing open.

"Hey guys, I'm home!" calls Violetta, "What's going on?"

"Angie's pregnant!" cries my mother, I can hear her sobbing now.

"I know! Nan isn't it great!" sings Violetta.

"You approve?" says my mother shocked.

"You don't?" says Violetta equally as shocked.

Then I hear my mothers sobs fill the house. It masks what everyone is saying. I only hear one more thing before I'm asleep.

"I want nothing to do with this..."

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