A Bad Breakfast

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Waking up the next morning, I was still very tired and as I opened my eyes I was extremely confused. I was not in my pillow. Instead, I was hanging over the side of the bed, across Germans stomach. This was a really weird way to wake up but I figured at least I didn't have my face in German's feet today.

As  pushed off him, I winded him, which woke him up.

"Morning." he says with a gasp.

"Sorry," I say as I lie beside him, "I must have moved in my sleep again."

"No kidding." says German with a chuckle, "This is the second night you've done that."

"Sorry," I say again, "I really don't mean to sleep all over you."

"It's fine." says German as he pushes back my hair, "I don't mind."

"Good." I say kissing him.

"Now, what do you want this morning?" says German staring at me intently.

"I really want a cup of tea!" I say frustrated.

Yesterday, the tea had been disgusting and made me want to be sick. I don't have a clue what German put in there but I just could not drink it.

"Let's get dressed then so I can make you some tea!" says German jumping out of bed.

We quickly dress and we are downstairs almost immediately, as per usual however, we are still the last ones downstairs. I take my seat at the table and German goes to make my tea. I sit down to see such a spectacular variety of foods. Olga had gone all out.

"Olga, what's the occasion?" I semi-yell as she is in the kitchen.

"No occasion. If it's not eaten today, it can't be eaten, so eat up!"

I had to laugh. Olga always makes my day. I'm looking at all the food in front of me and I can't decide what to have. Everything smells disgusting, which is peculiar considering Olga's food is always excellent.

Violetta is eating pancakes, so I know they are safe, so I reach and grab two. I take a small bite but quickly gag. It's foul. I try to disguise my gagging but its far too obvious and Olga comes in worried.

"What's wrong? Are the pancakes bad?" she asks concerned.

"No Olga!" says Violetta, "They're lovely! Angie what's up?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry. I just can't eat this." I felt bad and Olga looked upset.

"It's Okay Miss Angie." says Olga with a sad smile.

Moments later, German comes out with my cup of tea.

"Maybe this will make you feel better." says German with a smile.

I smile back at him and pick up my tea and the smell fills the air. However, for some reason it smells foul and I begin to wretch. It becomes uncontrollable and I run to the bathroom where I lose everything in  stomach. I stand up and I feel really dizzy.

"Angie are you okay?" asks German concerned.

"Dizzy." I say as I don't think I can say much more.

German steadies me and walks me to the kitchen and sits me on the stool. He gives me a glass of water and I take small sips but it's not improving the situation as I feel immensely light headed.

"Angie, are you sure your okay?" asks German.

"I'm fine." I say honestly.

"You'd think you were already pregnant." says Violetta laughing.

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I need to know.

I quickly stand up but the world goes black.

How I don't like teaWhere stories live. Discover now