A Little One

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I open my arms and the midwife gently places tealeaf in them. I'm crying so much, half because of happiness and half from pain as I still ache all over.

"Would you like to know the gender? You didn't find out before."

I nodded, tears streaming down my face.

"This is your little girl, born 12:24 on the 6th of June 2014."

I'm crying even more now.

My little girl.

I've wanted so badly to hold her in my arms. For nine months I've waited for this day and I'm so glad it's finally here.

I'm lost in my perfect moment, as my daughter lies peacefully in my arms, but something is missing.

My family.

I need German to get here with Violetta, Olga and Ramallo. The midwife organised for them to be contacted as I was in labour, but I havent heard anything yet.

"Mrs Carrara, we'll leave you be in just a moment, but I must ask, do we have a name yet?"

I look down at my little girl and consider the names everyone liked, but none seem to fit.

"Not quite yet. I promised my family we'd decide together."

"That's fine, I'll pop back round later on." she says as she opens the door, "Call if you need anything."

I smiled at her as she left then looked down at my daughter, who slept peacefully in my arms. I can't wait until she opens her eyes, I so badly want to see her eyes.

I don't know how long I was watching her, but some time later, a lady came in.

"Excuse me Mrs Carrara, but there is a rather loud lady requesting to see you and a tealeaf?"

I laughed, "Send her in."

There was only one person it could be and sure enough, Olga burst through the door with a massive grin.

"Where is my little one?" she asks as she walks up to me, "Oh, look at you!"

"Olga, not that I'm not glad to sew you but do you know where-"

I'm cut off with the door swinging open and Violetta and German both fighting their way in. Ramallo walked in calmly behind them.

"We missed it!" cried Violetta.

"Angie, I'm so sorry, you must forgive me." says German running to my side.

"It's fine. Would you like to meet someone?"

German's eyes widen like a small childs and he comes up and opens his arms. I gently place tealeaf in his arms and he is instantly besotted.

"So, do you love your daughter already?" I say watching him.

"My daughter?" says German as he melts at her sight, "A daughter."

Tears are brimming in his eyes and I can see he is truly happy.

Violetta is hopping back and fourth beside him excitedly.

"Dad please, please can I see my sister, please!" she cries desperate to hold her.

"Of course." says German although he is reluctant to pass her over.

Violetta takes her and begins to rock her gently.

"I have a sister." she says watching her every movement, "A perfect, gorgeous little sister."

Everyone is besotted and continues to pass her around, doting over her every movement.

"Did you name her before we arrived?" asks Violetta panicked.

"No, we can all decide together." I say smiling at her as she sits on the end of my bed.

"I still think Lillie is perfect!" Violetta beams.

"I quite like that, but I prefer Anna still." says German.

"Can't we just keep it as tealeaf? It's been such a good name all these months and it's so cute and unique!" adds Olga as she holds her.

"She'd hate us all if we did that Olga." says Ramallo.

"No! It's so trendy! the celebs are naming children after fruits and everything!" says Olga.

"Well, it's probably going to be one of the other suggestions." I say smiling, "Can I have her again please."

Olga passes her over and I look at her. She does look like a Lillie, but also like an Anna.

"How about Liliana?" I say with a smile to German, "So Vilu can call her Lillie and you can call her Anna."

German beams back at me happily, "That's perfect. My little Liliana."

Everything is so perfect but everyone is getting tired. Olga and Ramallo decide to go home, but German and Violetta insist on staying so fall asleep on the chairs in the room. Liliana is on my chest also sleeping, so I lie back and fall asleep alongside my family that was finally complete.

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