A Flutter

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~Second Trimester~

German pushed a pillow behind my back and lifted my feet up in front of me again. The last few weeks had been tiring and all I want to do is crumple up on the sofa everyday, but of course, German was obsessed with making sure everything was good for the baby and apparently I shouldn't be curving my back too much. It's lovely that he cares so much and I really do love his attentiveness but its also rather annoying.

Tomorrow, I will be 20 weeks into the pregnancy and I'm anxious for the coming week. I'm due an appointment to check on the baby and it will give us the option of finding out the baby's gender. This is something German and I have constantly discussed but we still haven't decided if we want to know. We have the appointment on Tuesday and I'm really excited for it.

German is finally relaxing a bit as well and now as he sits next to me, I notice he is not as tense. I think he is happier because miscarriages don't tend to happen after 20 weeks and of course on Tuesday he can see the baby for himself and make sure tealeaf is okay. I hope that will relax him even more.

However, I am glad he is slightly relaxed now at least, as I lean my head on him and he holds me tightly.

"Tomorrow.." says German, releasing a deep breath.

"Tomorrow." I echo, but my voice more steady, more sure.

"Things will be easier now right?" says German worried.

"Shouldn't I be asking that?" I say smiling at him, "I am the one carrying tealeaf, the one who struggled to eat or stand up for too long."

"I know. It was hard for you and I want it to be easier for you too. That's why it was hard for me, I don't like to see you suffering, when you couldn't eat, I felt useless, I couldn't do anything to help you and that was hard for me."

Hearing German say that, I just melted. It was hard for him to see me in pain. I understand I was upset but I had ways of helping whereas German was left completely useless.

I cup his face in my hands and kiss him and everything is perfect.

"I love you, I just need you to know that I appreciate every effort you make and that even being here helps me."

German smiles at me, "I love you too. I love you so much."

I break into a huge grin and German kisses me. The kiss is electric and I feel my stomach flutter, but the flutter is unlike any I have had before. I'm startled by it, so pull away drastically.

This startles German almost as much as it startles me.

"What's wrong?" asks German panicked.

"I felt a flutter." I say, not knowing how else to describe it.

"A flutter?" says German confused.

Before I could reply I felt it again and I knew it must be tealeaf.

I grab German's hand and place it on my stomach where I felt the flutter.

"I think its tealeaf." I say smiling.

German does his Cheshire Cat smile and keeps his hand on my stomach.

"Hey Tealeaf." says German lovingly, "I'm your daddy."

"You startled your mommy there." continues German, "Made her jump."

"Do you like making your mommy jump tealeaf?"

Then I felt a stronger kick.

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