A Huge Yes

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I was home within seconds and I slammed the door shut. I heard the hinges crack and it wasn't pretty.

"GERMAN!" I scream though the house and as I have run and I'm so tired, it sounds kind of crazy. I don't know exactly what I am going to say but I know that I have to tell him.

"Angie!" says German running down the stairs as fast as he can, "What's wrong?"

I instantly ran up to him and he lifted me into a hug. He is holding me tightly and I'm not letting go of him either. He is rocking me back and forth, clearly thinking I'm distressed.  

"Are you okay? Is Violetta? What happened? What's up? Angie please speak to me!" German is worried so I quickly kiss him.

"Yes." I say when I pull away. "I say yes."

German looks at me confused, so I kissed him and I didn't stop. It was long and passionate and I refused to pull away.

"German, I say yes. I say yes to us, I say yes to our family."

Germans eyes began to sparkle as he realised what I meant and his Cheshire cat grin spread across his face. He began to spin me around and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You mean that?"

"With all my heart." I reply as I kiss him again.

For a while, we just stayed there, in that moment, making it last forever. We remained, him holding me as we kissed, smiling at one another in our perfect moment. Everything was perfect.

After what seemed like only seconds in his arms but was actually around half an hour, German had to put me down.

"I love you Angie." says German holding my face between his hands.

"I love you German." I reply as he kisses me on my forehead.

"But I have to go back to work." I say sadly.

"Can I walk you?" asks German, "There are plenty of things I want to talk about."

"I would love that!" I say as he takes my hand.

German and I begin to walk from the house and discuss everything. German wants to know everything.

"Would you like a boy or a girl?" says German as we are walking to the studio hand in hand.

"You are too excited!" I say nudging him, "I'm not even pregnant!"

"Yeah, but we can wonder!" says German excitedly.

"Well what do you want then?" I say, as clearly this is something German has thought about.

"Well, I thought since I had Violetta, I'd quite like a boy, but then I realised that I would be rubbish at all that dad stuff you have to do with boys. I've always been the worst at sports! I wouldn't be very helpful, but with girls, I know what do to, especially with you around."

I had to smile. German is lovely.

"I like that idea." I say as we walk further down the street.

"Great!" says German, "I know we are nearly at the Studio so I have one more question."

"Okay." I say smiling at his enthusiasm.

German smiles at me and then says, "When can we start trying?"

We were now right outside the studio now so I leaned in and kissed him.

"Goodbye." I said as I pulled away.

"My question?" asks German as I'm walking away.

"Immediately!" I call back to him.

I suddenly feel someone around me and I turn to see German smiling at me.

"Love you!" says German as he kisses me once more.

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