A Family

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Everyone stared at me.

"Twins?" says Olga confused.

"But you haven't had the ultrasound yet!" says Violetta, equally as confused as Olga.

"WOW!" I say shocked, "I have no idea what is going on! I'm not having twins!"

German was laughing, "No, we don't find out about the baby until Tuesday!"

Everyone stared at him confused.

"The baby is one new arrival..."

"But," says an Italian accent, "I am the other!"

"FEDE!" cries Violetta as she runs into him and he lifts her into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asks as he puts her down.

"Well I heard there was a competition that could bring me back to the studio and my family agreed I could come back again and try to get in."

Federico had to leave the studio at the end of the last year. His family were having difficulties so he had to return home and the only other time he visited was in January. We originally thought it was to catch up but it turned out to be for our wedding, which was a surprise for us.

"Of course, my mother spoke with German about me staying here again, as she worries about me. Luckily German was kind enough to have me, even though he'll soon have another child to worry about!" Federico smiles at me then.

Violetta takes her seat next to Maca again, so Federico comes and sits next to me.

"Congratulations by the way. I cannot wait to see the little one! Tealeaf is it's nickname right? Well Tealeaf is super lucky to be a part of such a cool family and I really hope I get selected so I can stick around and become best mates with tealeaf!" Federico smiles.

"I hope you can stick around too Fede, you're a part of the family and we'd love you to stay!"

Federico gives me a hug and I return it.

Violetta begins to introduce Maca and Fede now as it seems that the two of them could become a huge part of our lives and so will need to know one another.

German is grinning from ear to ear and I can tell he is satisfied. Everyone looks so happy as they all catch up and I'm so happy too. Everything is going to be perfect and I can tell this week will be the start of it.

Nobody really eats much after that so Olga is left with quite the clean up job, but she quickly recruits the help of Ramallo in her endeavours. Maca also has a short chat with German before leaving but she knows not to take too much time. I sit as this takes place, with Violetta and Federico next to me gossiping their heads off.

I remain in my place however listening to the sounds of everyone's chatter and I find my mind wondering. There are so many things that could change in this situation once the baby is born.

Olga would be clearing a high chair from the side of the table.

Federico and Violetta would be happily cooing over tealeaf.

German would proudly hold tealeaf as he waves Maca goodbye, probably making tealeaf wave too by moving his/her arm.

At that moment, I feel a kick and I can almost hear the voice in my head.

'I'll be here soon mum. Not long now.'

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