A Big Day

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I woke up the next day with Germans arms wrapped around me, with his hands resting on my stomach.

'Today's the day.' I thought as I felt German's breath on my neck.

Yesterday was just exhausting and I slept for most of the day, but today, I was raring to go from the moment I opened my eyes. Today I would get to see my baby and I couldn't wait for the day to begin.

I lay there for a little while, immersed in the tranquillity, only listening to my husbands heavy breaths and his heartbeat. I was completely at peace in that moment.

I lay there for a while, but eventually my instincts got the best of me and I felt I had to wake German up so we could have breakfast with everyone like usual. This morning, I managed to turn myself to face him without winding him, so to wake him up, I kissed him.  

He began to stir after our lips touch and he look one final deep sigh before opening his eyes and smiling his sleepy smile.

"Morning Sleepyhead." I say as I fluff his hair.

"I thought that was your nickname now."

I laughed at this remark, "Oh no, It's yours. I'm just borrowing it occasionally."

German laughed, "You borrow it a lot."

"Details, details." I say laughing, "Now, we have more important things to think about."

"Today." says German echoing my thoughts.

"Yes," I say laying beside him, "Do we find out?"

"I don't know. I'm just not sure at all. Tell you what, you have final say, do you want to find out?"

I shrug, "I don't know if I do or don't. What I do know is I just want to have the baby here. Now."

"Me too." says German hugging me, "How about we ask everyone else?"

"Perfect!" I say as I begin to pull myself off the side of the bed.

I used to be much faster at getting myself ready in the morning but apparently having a bit of extra weight means a bit of extra time.

German waited for me whilst I dressed, which seemed very sweet, but I think he was waiting because he was being overprotective again.

When I was finished, German offered his hand and we walked down the stairs together. When we sat down, Violetta was smiling at me and I could tell she was bursting with questions. Whenever she does this, I know exactly what to do.

"How many?" I ask laughing.

"Ten or so..."

"You have one."

"One question?" says Violetta disappointed.

I laugh but she doesn't seem happy with me.

"Fine, but I will have plenty more later!" says Violetta disappointed.

"Okay. Okay! What is your question?" I say laughing even more.

"Are you going to find out the gender?"

I shrug, "Not sure. Do you think we should?"

"It's up to you, but I would like to know." says Violetta smiling.

"Miss Angie!" I hear Olga cry a moment later.

"Yes Olga?" I call back.

"There is someone on the phone for you!"

"Coming!" I cried as I pulled myself from my chair and headed towards the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen Olga passed me the phone.

"Hello." I say as I take a seat on one of the stools. I really cannot stand for too long. Tealeaf weighs far too much.


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