A Tealeaf

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I'm really nervous now. I've been home around four hours and I've managed to have some rest. The doctor said that I shouldn't move around to drastically because as my body begins to supply blood for the baby too, there is a lot more blood in my system which I'm not used to. That's what caused my fall this morning and so I've been warned to take it easy.

We are having two visitors shortly and I'm not keen on telling either about the baby. I'm not sure how they'll react.

I come downstairs and as German sees me he panics.

"Angie! Careful!" he calls as he meets me at the bottom of the stairs.

"I was walking down the stairs. I can't be more careful." I say rather frustrated.

"I know. I'm sorry." says German holding my hand as we walk to the sofa.

I can't stay mad at him. German only cares about me and the baby, but he's going to have to calm down as I don't want it to be immediately obvious to our guests.

"You're going to have to try not to be so overprotective when they get here. I'd like to tell them my way and I don't fancy you giving it away."

"I know." says German, "I just don't want anything else to happen, especially after today."

He was right. I must have really scared him. I did faint and not wake up for a few hours so I can understand why he's kind of crazy now.

"I know. Sorry about that, although it wasn't really my fault." I say as I look down at my abdomen. I feels weird knowing there is a life inside of me, but it also makes me feel happy.

"Yeah I know. This one's got a lot to answer for." says German as he looks in the exact spot I'm looking. There is no bump, but I'm only six weeks so there's no surprise there, but  just knowing it's in there makes me happy enough.

As I think about the baby, I find myself referring to it as 'it' and I'm not happy with that. Saying 'it' is horrible and I feel like it's mean.

"I don't like calling the baby 'it'." I say to German concerned.

"Me neither." says German, "Let's not choose a name, perhaps a nickname for now."

"That would be perfect!" I say ecstatic.

I think about it for a moment, what nickname would be perfect for the little one inside of me. I have no idea of the gender, so the nickname will have to be gender neutral. I'm pondering the possibilities when German speaks up.

"How about tealeaf?" says German laughing, "Since your so obsessed with tea."

I look down at where my baby must be and I can just imagine my little tealeaf and I know it's the perfect name.

"That's perfect!" I say excitedly, "But now I want tea and this one hasn't particularly been enjoying my tea so far!"

"It's not going to drink itself!" says German laughing which makes me laugh too.

"Good point. They'll be here soon so I'm going upstairs to get ready. Don't worry. I won't injure myself."

German smiles, "I know, but be careful."

I kissed him gently and then went upstairs. I was in our room and I sat on the bed. From where I sat I could see a picture of Maria and Violetta, with mine and German's photo beside it. I go over and pick them up and bring them over with me to the bed.

Maria always said being a mother was the best thing in the entire world. She loved it as much as she loved to sing. Now, I could experience this too, but I was worried. How would everyone react? My mother and Pablo were coming over later on for dinner. German had to call my mother when I was in the hospital so she could know what was going on and she told Pablo too. To calm them down, German had invited them over for tea as when they wanted to come over I was resting.

They would be here anytime now and I just don't know how things are going to go. I'm looking at the pictures when there is a knock on the door.

The door slides open and my mother walks in carefully closing the door behind her.

"Angeles." she says as she comes and sits next to me and hugs me, "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Me too." I reply smiling at her.

"Do they know why-" she began but stopped mid-sentence, "Why are you looking at these?"

I still held the photos in my hands and when I looked at them again I smiled.

"German wants a baby." I say looking at the picture of Maria.

"Oh." says my mother following my gaze, "How do you feel about that?"

"Good I suppose. I said yes." I say naturally.

"You did?" asks my mother, sounding rather surprised.

"Yes. Why is that such a shock?" I ask her confused at her reaction.

"Well I know it was an issue for you to date him and marring him wasn't an easy decision either. Why was this one so easy?"

"Because I want to be a mother." I say, being completely honest even with myself for once.

"Yes, but is it a good idea?" my mother asks.

"What?" I say baffled and rather hurt, also feeling protective of tealeaf, who my mother is oblivious to the existence of.

"I don't think it's right Angeles. It would be bizarre."

I'm hurt.

"But don't you think it's worth it. Don't you want me to be a mother?"

"You are Violetta's second mother." says my mother simply, "It's inappropriate for you to have another child."

I wish at this point that tealeaf was bigger, so he or she could kick. That would make me feel better, that would be them supporting me. But tealeaf can't protect me. I have to protect tealeaf.

I am about to tell my mother when German walks in.

"Sorry to interrupt your girly chat but Pablo's here and dinner is nearly ready."

My mother steps from the bed and begins to head downstairs. German takes my hand and we follow close behind. He grips tightly and I can tell he's still worried about me fainting although he is trying to be subtle.

Pablo and my mother are sitting at the table and talking by the time I take a seat.

"I'll be back in a moment." says German as he quickly goes to the office.

"What happened Angie?" says Pablo concerned.

"Can we hold that for a moment?" says my mother to Pablo, "I have to tell you when German's not here. These two want a baby."

Pablo looks at me shocked. "Are you sure that's right?"

I'm feeling alone now, both of them are against it. How am I going to tell them now?

My mother and Pablo are ranting on now about why I shouldn't agree to have a baby. I can feel tears pricking my eyes but I hold them back. Once they are finished they turn to me.

"Anyway," says my mother, "Why did you faint today?"

I tried to keep it in but I began to cry.

"Because I'm pregnant!"  

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