A Delay

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I woke up the next day with my face against Germans. When he saw me open my eyes he smiled and stifled a laugh. I was literally lying directly on top of him and I expect it was rather uncomfortable for him, although admittedly I was very relaxed.

"Morning." I murmur still half asleep.

"Morning Sleepyhead." says German with his Cheshire cat grin.

"That's your nickname." I say moodily.

"No, you seem to be the sleepyhead now. You are one restless pregnant lady. If you are like this now, then I am worried for what you'll be like in a few months!"

I have to admit that made me laugh.

"You'll be escaping me by sleeping on the sofa!" I say sarcastically.

"I wouldn't want to do that. You move a lot sure, but I love having you beside me."

"You'll have to get used to loving me lying all over you and pushing you out of my way as well then!" I say laughing.

German chuckles and pushes my hair out of my face so he can kiss me.

"Are you ready for today then?" asks German cunningly.

Yesterday he asked if myself and Tealeaf would do something with him today and of course we obliged. German wouldn't tell us the occasion but he promised it would be spectacular and I had no doubt that he wouldn't live up to that promise.

"I suppose, what happens first?" I reply.

"First," says German with a glint in his eye, "My beautiful wife, goes downstairs and enjoys some breakfast. If she cannot stomach breakfast, then a packet of biscuits would also suffice."

I had to laugh, "Then what?"

"Then she comes back upstairs for the next instruction."

My face dropped and I groaned.

"Really?" I ask annoyed.

"Really!" says German cockily.

I stared at him for a few moments but he just laughed at me, so eventually I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed and went down for breakfast, not knowing what the day had in store.

When I got downstairs, Olga and Violetta were chatting over some toast. When they saw me, Olga dashed into the kitchen and brought out a bucket and some biscuits.

I laughed slightly.

"So, here is breakfast, Miss Angie." says Olga placing them at my seat, "If you can't stomach breakfast, then you can just eat the biscuits."

"Thank you Olga." I say as I take my seat.

"Biscuits for breakfast?" says Violetta shocked, "How come I don't get that?"

"Because Miss Angie can only eat biscuits at the moment without being sick, so that is probably all she'll eat."

Violetta is bewildered, "Can I have biscuits for breakfast too?"

"No Violetta." I say laughing, "It's not exactly healthy."

"You do it."

"I have an excuse. Pregnancy issues." I say smiling, "But don't let that give you any ideas."

Violetta's eyes went wide.

"Could you imagine Mr German," says Olga, "If he had a grandchild before a second child? Gosh!"

I laughed but Violetta just looked shocked.

"Angie! I would never!"

"Don't act all innocent. We all know you're not." I say staring her down, "Of course don't let your dad know that or you'd never be allowed out again, but we know that, so there is no use in lying."

Violetta begins to blush and looks down at her breakfast.

After that, I decide to attempt some toast, but when I reach to grab some, the smell makes me gag, so I figure it's best just to eat the ginger biscuits. It's amazing how people realised ginger is good for sickness, as after eating them, I no longer feel sick and the smell of the ginger blocks out the smell of the toast so I even manage to eat a slice. I feel triumphant at succeeding in eating my breakfast, which any other time before this would have seemed such a small task.

After I am finally full after a week of being constantly starving, I head upstairs to see German arranging some new carnations in the vase on the photo table so I go over and wrap my arms around him.

"Had a nice breakfast?" says German seeing my smiling face.

"The best. I appreciate being able to eat so much more now." I say with a sigh.

"Well, I hope you'll appreciate my surprise just as much then."

"So where are we going?" I ask impatiently.

"That's a surprise." says German laughing.

"You have to tell me something! You're just delaying telling me!"

"Okay. Okay!" says German taking me in his arms.

"We are going to meet someone. There is someone who is anxious to meet you."

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