A Biscuit Jar

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I couldn't eat the slice of toast.

Being stuck at home is the most boring thing alive. It's Friday and I haven't been to work all week. German has me locked in the house and Pablo has me banned from the studio until I can eat properly and for some reason I know it won't be anytime soon.

I love my baby, but tealeaf is a lot to handle and he/she isn't even born! My week has been absolutely terrible with constant nausea and light-headedness. Needless to say, German worrying about me also does not help the situation.

This morning we went to the doctor because of my issues with eating and had tealeaf checked. According to the doctor, tealeaf is doing just fine and is absorbing plenty of nutrients despite my constant vomiting. He says it's a delicate situation where I just need to keep eating and throwing up and through that process, both myself and the baby will be well nourished, although I'll feel horrid.

He also says that this weekend will mark the end of seven weeks and usually most expectant mothers only suffer with nausea up until week nine so I'm reassured that I should not have to deal with this for much longer.

Violetta will be home soon and as German insisted on bringing her home after going somewhere with Ramallo, it's just Olga and I in the house. We only have around two hours until dinner since German has changed our eating schedule to suit my needs but I'm already starving. I know eating will most likely result in vomiting but I'm too hungry to care, so instead of sitting alone in the garden, I decide to go inside and eat.

Walking into the kitchen, I see Olga is in there already preparing dinner. It smells divine and only adds to my hunger, so I immediately search through the fridge.

"Miss Angie!" says Olga as she sees me, "Are you hungry again? I'm sure you only ate an hour ago!"

"I did!" I cried desperately trying to find something, "But when the food doesn't actually stay eaten, you get hungry really quickly!"

Olga laughed, "What can I get you then? What do you fancy?"

I stood up from the fridge and thought about it for a moment.

"I really want some biscuits. I don't care what kind and because they are dry perhaps I'll be able to keep them down."

"I have some." winks Olga, "My personal stash that I hide from Ramallo and Violetta, because the day you buy biscuits they are gone! Instantly! Because Violetta and Ramallo eat them like there is no tomorrow!"

I laugh and I see Olga pull something out of the bottom cupboards. It's a small biscuit jar and she proudly presents it to me.

"Enjoy Miss Angie." says Olga with a smile.

 I open it and I can smell ginger. I search through the small jar and find some ginger biscuits. The ginger is lovely and I manage to eat seven of the biscuits without being sick. I have no doubt that I would eat more, but I decided to stop as dinner was being prepared.

By the time I'd finished Olga was back to finish the last things for dinner before putting the meal in the oven.

"Olga! The biscuits went down a treat!" I say happily handing her back the jar.

"That's great Miss Angie!" says Olga smiling, "Did you have any ginger biscuits?"

"They were the only ones I ate!" I say smiling.

Olga smiles and nods as if she expected that.

"Why do you ask?" I say baffled.

"Because ginger is supposed to help cure sickness in pregnancy." says Olga casually.

"It is? Why are you only telling me now? I've been ill all week and now you tell me!" I'm rather mad as I really needed this information sooner.

"Believe me Miss Angie I tried! I tried to tell Mr German on countless occasions but he wouldn't listen to me!" says Olga defensively.

"Couldn't you tell me?"

"I was going to honestly but I just felt like I should leave you be as your often sleeping and when you are awake I know you like to keep to yourself." Olga says sympathetically.

"I understand that, but now I know, I'm going to eat well and get back to work!" I say smiling at Olga.

She returns the smile and grabs her notepad, "I'll put ginger biscuits on the shopping list. It will be fun because Ramallo and Violetta will have to leave them alone because they are for you. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr German put them under lock and key!"

Olga and I begin to laugh and just then there is a knock at the door.

"I've got it." I say much happier now.

I open the door to see her smiling face.

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