A Work Ban

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It's Monday morning and I feel horrid for far too many reasons.

My mother never came to see me. There is nothing else to say about that. I doubt I will ever see her again now. That is a huge factor of my Monday morning blues, but German is worried I'm depressed and wants me to go see the doctor so I don't stress the baby. I feel like a bad mother already as I can't even keep my emotions in check even to help tealeaf.

German is also really worried as yesterday all the food I could eat at the picnic now tasted foul to me and I was violently sick. This had German worried as I couldn't keep any food down, however I was happy as I managed to drink half a cup of tea! Usually, I'd drink around three cups a day (or more, most likely more) but recently I haven't been able to drink it at all and it's making life difficult, so I was happy to manage just a little bit.

As well as my nutrition and family concerns, I am also aware that I am going to have to tell the students and teachers at the studio immediately so they don't get confused if I can't stomach my sandwich!

All of this just feels like a lot to deal with and I just don't know if I can.

Whilst I was thinking about all this, I was waiting for my breakfast, that German insisted on preparing himself, which is rather annoying for Olga who really wants to help me too. It's frustrating for her but German insists on catering to my every need so everyone else is left out too.

This is the third attempt at breakfast and thinking about eating is generally making me feel sick. I really just need to get to the Studio and hope I can manage something at lunch but German is refusing to let me leave until I eat something. He is seriously worried about my health and the possibility of a miscarriage that he is going mad.

For the past few days since finding out I was pregnant, German had researched everything!

I really mean that. Literally everything.

The one thing that worried him the most? Miscarriages.

According to his research, if I don't eat and drink properly, I could miscarry, which is clearly why he is so obsessed now. It also says stress could contribute to a miscarriage so he also has been trying to ensure I am relaxed as possible. Not that it has gone well so far though.

After the forth attempt at eating breakfast fails miserably and Germans efforts are once again down the toilet, I am exhausted. I can't be bothered in trying any more breakfast foods.

"German, I have to get to the studio, can't I just have something there?"

"No Angie!" says German protectively, "You have to eat and clearly there is something wrong with your diet so you are going to have to stay home to figure it out."

"I can't stay home! I have work! What will Pablo say?" I reply frustrated with him.

"Let's find out!" says German grabbing his phone.

German dials Pablo's number and he picks up the phone immediately. German puts it on speaker so I can hear.

"Pablo," begins German, "I have something to ask."

"Of course" says Pablo from the other end.

"Angie didn't eat much yesterday and she hasn't even managed a crumb of bread this morning, I don't think she should come in today until we can get her eating properly, yet she insists she'll be fine. Can I ask your opinion?"

"No need to ask my opinion. I've made the decision. Angie, cause I know you'll be listening, you can't come in today as you are unfit to work, if you came in you'd just be hurting yourself and tealeaf. I'll get updates from German on your diet but until you can eat properly, you can't work, understood?"

"WHAT?" I yell down the phone.

"I'm sorry Angie, it's for the best." says Pablo sadly on the other end.

"Thank you Pablo," says German, "We'll speak later."

"Of course, goodbye now."

The phone call ended and I stood there with my mouth wide open.

"How dare you?" I say furious at German.

German smiles, "You'll thank me later."

"No I will not!" I scream.

"Angie," says German smiling slyly, "Tell you what, if you can eat this slice if toast, I'll let you go."

How I don't like teaWhere stories live. Discover now