Mentally broken

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The short valentine pic story above is soooo cute don't u think!!!!!
Next chapter for all u guys'!!!!!❤❤❤

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(Sadie POV)

"Sadie comes with me. You don't need that guy who defended himself against don't need that brother who always complaints you being a wreak less girl.....nobody understands you but me...come with me....joint me.....we will make the ones who ached your heart suffer and be sorry. We will make them regret ever doing that to you. Come with me" the familiar voice echoed around me.

I looked around but all I could see is darkness. Suddenly a dark violet aura appeared along with a hand reaching out in front of her.

"Come with me. I'll show you your true full power and how much you are strong and capable. Just take my hand" the voice whispered again.

I stared at the hand coming closer. My mind was going blank. I couldn't think properly. Little did I realise my hand automatically reaching out trying to take hold of her hand. My body is moving against my wish!!!!

"No!!!!" I shouted as my hand grabbed hold of the hand the dark aura engulfing me.

"No!!!!" I screamed waking up from my dream. I sat on my bed trying to control my breathing as I was sweating...... come down....... it's alright...... it's just a dream I consoled myself.

But unfortunately that led to another dreadful thought.....Anubis. I couldn't believe he said that. I thought we could hear clear everything up.

After the incident I just ran straight to my room and shut the door. I heard Anubis repeatedly call out my name but I just ignored and ran. I knew he would find means to enter into my room and I had no interest in talking to him, so I just put up a protection spell around my room.

I just lay on my bed crying until my eyes felt so heavy.
Now I'm just sitting there sweating and panting. I took my alarm clock checking the time. 2 more hours until the usual morning I wake up for school. I stood up and went to the bathroom striping all my clothes getting under the shower. I really need to cool myself off!!!! I took almost 2 hours bath mostly standing under the cold water.

Since I have all the time in the world, I sat on my bed putting my headset listening to 'All of me' by John Legend. I closed my eyes as it started filling up with water. Why is my heart aching so much? What is wrong with me?

I sighed. I will mentally break down if I sit here and continue listening to this song. So I stood up went to change my dress.

Today was uniform day. I was removing my t-shirt putting on my white shirt when I noticed a dark patch on my shoulder running down to my upper arm. It was a dark violet with red marks like writings. I kept examining it for another 10 minks thinking where I got this from.

I put on my shirt and my skirt along with my socks and shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and swollen from all the crying and sleepless nights. I tried to put makeup covering the dark circles but I had to wash it because I looked like a girl having eye disease or something.

I took a sun-glass and wore it. Now it's all covered. But unfortunately I can't wear them to school. At at least I'll avoid the question from the guys here. I tied my hair to a two-sided pony finishing it up with ribbons. I put on my shoes looking at the clock.

It's almost time. I went down to the dining room. The entire seat was filled except next to Anubis. I quietly walked to the seat sitting down.

Everyone was talking but stopped and looked at me when I sat down. I felt so awkward wearing a sun-glass but I had no choice. I silently took a bread toast from the table put on some butter.

I could see Anubis staring at me with concern. He looked bad himself but not as much as me of course. He had dark circles and wrinkles under his eyes.

"Mind telling me why you are wearing sunglasses." Carter asked breaking the silence.

"I feel like wearing it. So I wore it" I replied irritated.

"Take it off!! It's weird and beside you can't take it to school." Carter said calmly biting his bread toast.
"You are not my mom or dad to command me carter." I stood up raising my voice.

"Don't shout at me early in the morning!!! I'm being reasonable unlike you!!!!" Carter shouted back pointing his fingers at me.

"Calm down both of you!! Early in the morning. What is wrong with you both" Zia shouted clearly irritated for ruining the early mood.

All of the rest were staring at us. Anubis reached out his hand to mine but I slapped it away turning towards him.

"I didn't do anything!!She's just being the wreak less girl she is!!!!" Carter said looking at me.

The dream came back to my head. Wreak less girl..... A complete waste......

"Fine as you wish. As your entire wish!!!!" I said taking the glasses and throwing it away.

"Sadie what happened. Why are your eyes swollen and red?" Zia said in concerned as she looked at me with wide eyes. I saw Carter's expression soften and turn into concern.

"Sadie what happened" he asked his voice full of concern.
"It's nothing. I just couldn't sleep." I said sitting down trying my best not to cry.

"Sadie...." Anubis called next to me for which I stood up.
"I'm going first. Bye." I said as I stood up. I put on my bag and walked out.

"Sadie!!!" Anubis shouted and reached out my hand. I tried to struggle out of his grab but his grip became tighter. "Sadie....I'm sorry. Please forgive me!!!! I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so stupid. I'm a complete idiot for doing that. Please give me one more chance" he practically begged his eyes sad and full of tears.
I never felt so vulnerable.


Ron sat there opposite to Sadie silently observing.

"This is great. Now it's easier to make her mine. And when she's mine..." Ron thought to himself giving a smirk.

The end for this chapter guys'. So about next chapter I thought of writing this same chapter in Anubis point of view. What do you guys' think?? Should I??
Hope u guys' like this chapter. Like comment and vote for me guys' plzz😙

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