Sadie's dark past

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Heres the next chapter. Althou i got my first hater i realized i got lot more supporters!!!!
And with that in my mind im happily continuing the next chapter.... Hurray!!!!!
"Sadie find your power source. The Mikyl stone. With that in our hand no one would stop us. Even the gods will fear us. Find it." I heard a women's voice repeating from a dark aura in front of me. I had being stuck in this darkness for so long with this chain on my leg preventing me from going anywhere.... wait!!! The chain its gone!!!!
"Hello Sadie" i heard a most familier voice from behind. I turned around to face...... another me?? Wait is it a mirror?
"Its not a mirror Sadie. Im a part of you. The other you. We have being switched, but only for a certain amount of time." The other me said.
"What?? I dont understand." I said clearly shocked from all this. This sadie standing in front of me sound wrong... her voice.....its if full of hate.
"All souls have two side. A good and an evil side. But they cant come out together. When one side is prioratized the other gets chained inside. But we wont lose complete power. That is why good people have a bad side and bad people have a good side." She said still cold. (A/N: omg i have no idea what im doing here!!! I just write what comes to my preplaned..... i have no idea where this is going!!😞😞😞 Forgive me if this sounds completly senseless guyz😶😶😶)
"Then why are we here together. I mean... where the hell is here anyways??" I asked still trying to process everthing.
"Subconcious...... the only place we can be face-to-face. When our lady interwined she was able to switch our places. That is why you came here to the subconcious while i was out there...." she began grining. "It was really fun letting out stress. So fun. She is working on making it permanent though. I cant wait" she said her eyes shined throughly.
" switch places?? Permanently?? Our lady?? What is haplening here??" I asked.
"This is why our present situation is pathetic. Too many loosers to talk to. Sadie we really should stop this nonsense of love. Its going to only destroy us. Devour yourself to our lady. Shell be happy to have you in to. We can rule the world with her on the side. No more irritating brothers..... no more this nonsense of love. Only power..." her eyes was buring fire as she said these words.
"Our lady?? Who is that??" I asked but i felt dizy all of the sudden.
"Youll find soon enough. You are going to wake up Sadie. But you wont remember all.... only here and there. But dont worry we'll see each other soon enough. Bye for now....." she said and before i could reply the whole world went black.
(Anubis POV)
3 dayz!!! 3 'f'ing dayz in this hell of a library and nothing!!!! While jaz is in the infirmatory taking care of Sadie, the rest of us searched each and every books looking for the solution. Hell with that we dont even know what the proplem is. She's being in the infirmatory like a dead for 3 dayz.... no worsening no improvement. Just laid there in the bed. We consulted every single magician doctors. They have not even a slighest clue.
Now all i could do is sit here beside her waiting for a miracle. "Sadie please wake up. I miss you" i whispered close to her ear and kissed her cheek.
Suddenly the door opened wide with carter and zia entering. "Anubis. Dad and mom came" he said letting osiris and ruby kane in.
"Good evening Anubis" he said but quickly walk towards sadie. He sat down on the chair amd stroked her hair. "Sadie. My baby!!!" Ruby cried running towards her tring to catch hold of her hand..... but unfortunately Ruby cant since shes not living and flesh. This only worsened the situation as now she screamed and shouted she couldnt even touch her daughter. The whole room was a moaning room and i would usually have enjoyed this but.... this is sadie. The one i love... the only one. I feel only pain. I just wanna get out of here.
"She is different. Her power is something even the gods will fear" ruby said in a blue.
"What? What are you saying mom?" Carter asked.
"You all sit down. We have something to tell you" orisis said or mabe its julius.
"When sadie was born she had an immense amount of energy comming out of her. We didnt think it was serios just a side effect of being born a magician. It was thought so until she started walking. When she became angry or sad she picks up a sort of energy moving every single thing... destroying every single thing. It became worse when she went to kindergarden. She got bullied by a boy and well umm...." Ruby stumbled at that point, her head hung low.
"What??what happened" i half shouted. I was getting pretty nervous(i clearly dont know why).
"She...she went out of control and umm.... she k.... ki.... killed him" julius finished as we all grasped.
"No she didnt. She didnt she was young" Ruby cried as she sat on the ground. Julius went to her and tried to console her.
"She didnt ruby. She was out of control" he then turned to us. "Its not that which scares everyone the most....." he looked at his wife and then stood up facing us. "It was not like a normal death even for magicians. She just stood there staring at him. Her duat form was changing..... she was wearing black clothes her eyes red like radiating pure evil." Julius said and clearly he was shaking.
"But thats not all. There was a women behind her. She was whispering things to her and as she whispered sadie was turning more and more reckless. She...she pulled the boys soul to the duet!! We were so shocked!! In the normal circumstance sadie just stood there and the boy fainted all of sudden...... but but in the duet she was aggressive. She started chanting in foreign languages. The next thing we know..... a dark black ball attacked te boy's soul. It disintegrated!!!" By this time ruby was in the floor cring out loud.
"We needed to know what was wrong. Who that lady was.... so we went to my old friend whos a powerful wizard. He took over sadie for about 3 months looking for answers which he did. Unfortunately sadie is very powerfoul. Too powerful. Along with her true power which is really strong and powerful she was choosen by the mikyl stone as the container." Julius kept on saying as we just sat there listening.
"Mikyl stone??? What is that?" Zia asked a question not clear in all our mind.
Julius stood up waving his hand amd chanting until a vision appeared. It was a dark blue stone, round shape with some foreign language written. "This is the mikyl stone. A powerful stone in the whole universe. Can be considered as both negative and positive according to the container, in this case our sadie. It has a part of power of all the gods, major minor, every single god ever formed."
"Every god?? Even me??" I asked confused. I never knew that.
"Yes anubis even yours. Whenever a new god is incarnated a part of his power automatically flow to the stone. Only a major gods such as me,ra and iris knows. But the mikyl stone travels itself finds its own container. No one knows where it is or where it will be. Till it finds a container it will be dorment but if it chooses someone it will protect them no matter what." All this information was to much for him to process and by the looks of others they are having a hard time too.
"So whos that women?" Carter asked all in shock knowing the unknown side of her.
"Amkhula. The daughter of khut, king of the nile. The cursed princess for her greediness to obtain power. She killed her whole family to obtain power. But that wasnt enough. She went for the gods and god cursed for soul without peace, where she was forbidden to enter Ma'at. Therefore her soul roams searching for power wanting revenge." Jullius explained.
"Thats why she went after our daughter knowing about she being choosen as the container by the mikyl stone. She bounded her soul to sadie's but she was not able to fully do it, that is what the wizard said."
"But yes part of her soul surrendered to Amkhula. And that part took over her in anger and insecure." Ruby said this time she sound full of anger.
"But the wizard was able to trap the mikyl stone in a safe place because she was too young to control it. And with Amkhula behind her its just worse. He was also able to chain the part of her soul which sweared loyalty to amkhula. And ever since then she was a ordinary girl." Julius finished leaving us with only but questions.
Zia was the first one to shoot all question.
(For me to do this easy im just making it a name say mode)
Zia: So your saying Amkhula returned??
Julius: yes judging by the explanation carter gave.
Zia: How can we stop her.
Julius: our only hope is Sadie. Shes the only one powerful to stop her.
Carter: how?
Julius:the mikyl stone. We must bring it back to her.
Anubis: alright then. Tell us where it is. We'll bring it back to sadie.
Ruby: thats not as simple as it seems.
Julius: yes its not. Only the wizard knows the place but the specifics even he dont. Only way to find is through sadie's connection with it. She can sense the stone.
Zia: great!!!! So atleast tell us who and where he is
Julius: his name is Ragner. Last i contacted him he was in paris and that was the day before the explosion in the tower.
Anubis: that is about 10 years ago!!!!
Zia: wonderful!!! *rolls her eyes and sighs in flustration*
After a few question and answers, they both got ready to go back to Ma'at.
"Her only hope is you all. Protect her. Help her. She may not be same but dont hate her." Ruby said before leaving.
"We will meet again soon enough. Anubis i need all updated about her." Julius said before they vanished through the portal.
Omg!!!! Longest chapter i wrote. 1769 wordz!!!!😲
Thats just really looong......
Ok since its long ill make it a new year bonus.... Yay!!!!!
Well althou the plot somwhat sucks😅
Oh well... im gonna stop the shit talk!!
Dnt forget to follow me...... like and vote and share to!!!!❤❤❤
Happy New Year 2018!!!🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉

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