Fight in school

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Next chapter everyone!!!!!

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(Sadie POV)

He held my hand and kept on apologising. It's all a trick. You are just a burden for them. My mind kept repeating.

"I don't care" I said slapping his hand away and walked.

I didn't look back I kept on walking. I reached my school entrance. It's been a while since I came here. I tuck my hand in my jean pocket and walked towards my locker. I opened it taking my things and closing it when I felt someone behind me.

"Oh look who's here. Awe what happened to your face. Did your boyfriend hit you??Oh wait I forgot you don't have one!!!" Drew, the plastic bag of my school said laughing.

"Get away from my sight bitch.....I'm not in a mood to hear your ass talk." I said clearly irritated by her talks. Who does she think she is miss world?

"Ha!!!!The perfect excuse for covering up" she countered to which I lost my complete control.

I launched at her, she falling down with me on top. I smashed my griped hand on her pancaked face causing her to shriek in pain.

I recited a binding spell to which a hierograph started forming in front of me earning grasps from others. Suddenly someone put his arms around me pulling me up while I struggled to get free.

"Sadie Kane!!! What is wrong with you!!!!" Carter shouted running towards me.

I was still trying to break free when I heard a whisper close to my ear "my lady Kane please keep calm."

My body tensed my heart beating fast but I stopped struggling. He took this opportunity to drag me away to the nearby janitor's room. He must have locked the room because I heard carter screaming on the other side asking Anubis to open the door.

"I'll talk to her. You go to class" is all he replied.

I stood there facing the other side away from him but I could feel him staring at me. There was only a faint light of a bulb in the room.

"Sadie what were you thinking. You not only beat her up but also tried to use a spell on her?? What is wrong with you?" He asked softly, his voice full of worry.

"I .... I don't know" was the only word coming out of my mind. My eyes were filled with tears

"Sadie.... don't cry. It's alright. I'm sorry to. I made you do this. I shouldn't have said that. I should never ever have..." he said wrapping his hands around me while my hands were on his chest.

"I love you" he said. Suddenly I pushed him away hard making him fall on the ground while I ran out of the room. I kept running till I reached the oak tree behind the school.

Grabbing the tree for support I breathed heavily. Suddenly it struck me.

What did I do?? What the hell did I do?? Why did I push him? He said he was sorry that he had done a mistake yet.... yet I pushed him away!!! I....

I didn't feel like being in class so I went straight home. I found Ron in the living room reading a book. When he saw me he stood up surprised.

"Sadie!? What are you doing here? Weren't you at school?" I didn't say anything just started crying bursting into tears. Ron came to me and hugged me gently rubbing my back.

"Do you want to talk about it" he asked to which I nodded a 'no' burying my head in his chest. He pushed me away tilting my head up his face moving closer and closer our nose really touching. Our lips met but something was not right.

I pushed him away and turned my head towards the door my eyes my eyes wide open as I saw the figure in front of me.


(Anubis POV)

She pushed me..... She doesn't like me?? What is this pain in my heart. Is this the feeling of losing love?? I was feeling so lost I didn't know what to do. There was only one thing that came into my mind.

I chanted a spell opening a vision. Walt was on the other side writing something.

"Walt!!!" I shouted to which he was startled. He turned his head his eyes wide.

"Anubis what are you doing. I'm in work. You are not supposed to call me now!!" He whisper shouted.

"But Walt I messed up big time. I feel lost. Only you can help me" I said. I have never begged in my entire life but I just feel so hopeless.

"OK fill me in" he said as he started to worry.

I filled him with everything to which he looked shocked.

"Anubis something is wrong with Sadie" he finally said. "Sadie might be out of hand and rebellious but never like this. She never talks like that. She gets irritated that's for sure but never goes for violence. And using hierograph..... Never her." He continued.

"But she pushed me. She doesn't want to see me Walt. Maybe I should just leave." I said which must be the best thing to do.

"Anubis.... Sadie needs you. She'll never hate you. She loves you. You should never give up on her!!! Go get her Anubis and if that Ron comes... you know what to do." He said as the mist disappeared.

I ran searching the whole college still no sigh. Maybe she's at home. I ran back to the Brooklyn house as fast as I could. I barged in opening the front door. I stood there in shock as I saw Ron kissing her. She pushed him away turning towards me her eyes wide.

"Anubis... I can explain..." she said.

I looked at him to which he smirked. That was the final patience flying away. I ran towards him punching him in the face as he fell. I kept punching him as Sadie tried her best pushing me off.

"No one kisses my girl. Hell! no one even touches her!!" I kept saying during the punch.

As I slowed my punching Sadie pulled me of him her arms around me preventing me from hurting him.

"Please please stop. I beg you please." She kept whispering as tears run down her beautiful blue eyes. I hate seeing her cry and she had being doing that a lot.

I calmed down putting my hand around her protectively

"She is mine and only mine. Touch her ill cut your hand and feed it to my jackals. Don't even look at her. I don't trust a bit of you and I'll be watching you're every single moves. So stay away from her" I said starting pure rage coming from within me.

I reached her hand pulling her towards me kissing her. I really missed this.

She kissed me back to which I was relieved. She doesn't hate me.

I pulled her away and pulling her towards the stairs up my room before giving him one last final stare.

Awwww don't you love the jealous Anubis. He becomes twice as cute and sesky😍.
Hope you guys like this chapter. Please comment your reviews. Oh plz like and share to.....
Love you guys'.....bye😙😙😙

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