Traiter and suffer

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Anubis POV

Finally we found it! Now we can defeat Amkhulat.  I smiled as i looked at Sadie. She will finally be free.
"Stop!! Traiter" a shout came from behind making us all turn back. There stood the seryn and two other who are probably the other two keepers. The one in blue was being carried by the one in green. She looked very weak.
"Traiter!! Step away from the stone!" Seryn said as i looked at her in confusion. "Traiter??what do you mean? We passed all the test" alec said his face to filled with confusion.
"The girl cheated. Cheryl here is her guide and she was not able to come to a single test because she was held captive by a her" she said pointing to sadie who stood behind me.
I turned around to look at her only to have my eyes wide shock. There stood sadie her eyes was red and she had an evil smirk on her face. That is not sadie!
"Good you found out. All these playing nice was making me sick." She said, each word filled with venom.
"Who are you? Where is sadie" alec asked to which she laughed.
"I am sadie.... a part of her. The part locked up and ignored but not anymore. Now i have the mikyl stone. And nothing can stop me!" She said. I stood there the whole time shocked as can ever be as i looked into her eyes.
"You will never get away from here." Seryn said as she sent a red orb towards her but she only stood there with a smirk. I watched as the orb approched her at fast pace getting closer each second. There was a big explosive sound and i widen my eyes.!!! Sadie!!!!
I felt tears roll down my eyes as the smoke cleared. But instead of her lying there on the floor dead she was standing not a single scratch with mikyl in front of her creating a protective forcefield.
"How dare you attack my master" he said as his eyes turned silver before he sent a very powerful ray of energy at them disintegrating them.
"No!" I heard alec say as sadie smirk. "Good job mikyl. Shall we get out of here."
"Yes master" he said bowing.
"Good bye boys. Thanks for everything" she said before they both dissapeared.
Suddenly the place began to shake. Shit! This place is going down!
We both ran down the stairs but towards the middle a blue portal appeared sucking us in.

Alec POV

My head it hurts.
I groaned as i try to sit up. "Easy there alexander. You have still not recovered." I heard a voice i would recognise anywhere. Is this a dream? Why cant i see him?
"No alexander this is not a dream. You cant see me because you havent open your eyes yet." He chuckled.
I didnt open my eyes? I tries to open them but only to close them quickly because of the throbbing headache.
I tried opening them slowly again to meet with the most beautiful golden eyes ive ever seen.
"Magnus!" I shouted as i hugged him.
"I missed you.." "i missed you too"
"Hey dont forget us" izzy sat down next to me followed by jace and clary.
"What are you guys doing here" i asked looking at them in shock.
"We came looking for you. You went missing without telling us." Jace said obviously irritated by it.
"And you told me you told to the institute alexander" magnus said as i strached my neck. "Well... im sorry"
"What the hell happened alec" izzy asked her voice full of concern.
"Well we went through this crazy test and mazes and anubis and sadie..." then it dawned me. "Anubis! Sadie!" I shouted.
"Calm down alexander your still weak. Anubis is here and hes awake but sadie is missing." Magnus said as he tried to lay me back down.
"How you feeling alec" i heard anubis say as he walked in with carter, zia and bast behind.
"Im okay" i said but i couldnt help look at anubis. He looks so weak so heartbroken......
"Well good thing nothing serious happened to you. You only had a few wounds and concussion according to the docter. I would have healed you myself but my power is so weak and needs time to regain." Magnus said and i looked around to find myself in a room an infirmary to be exact.
"How did we reach here?" I asked confused.
"I portaled you here" i heard a sweet voice to which i saw the same women who opened the door to the legendare.
"What are you doing here?" Anubis asked as she entered and sat on the stool beside my bed.
"You should thank me god. I saved you. I am Vitalia, the creater and protecter of legendare. And Now im here because we need to stop amkulat and sadie from destroying the world which will be easy for them. Now that mikyl is with them." She said as she reeked of anger.
"And also to get revenge for killing my children" she said as she closed her eyes.
"Your children?" I asked shocked.
"Yes. Seryn, meryn and cheryl my triplets" she said as she looked at me with a sad smile.
"But how will we do it. With the mikyl they are stronger than ever." Magnus said
"Yes they are but we have to try our best" she said. Then she closed her eyes raised her hand and a sword appeared in it. It was having a dull gold handle with some kind of symbol on it and the blade was red in colour.
"This is the legendare blade of eternal strength. It is the only one which is more powerful than the mikyl stone. This is the only one that can destroy the mikyl stone. But......" she falttered which made me worried.
"But?" Zia voiced out "but what??"
"But you have to stab her.... that is the only way...." she said as my eyes widen.
Kill Sadie??
"KILL SADIE!!! NO!! NEVER" anubis shouted as his face was filled with anger.
"We have no other choice Anubis. Its the only way to save the world. If she is strong she will rise back. But i have my high doudts since she is now possessed by her other side." Vitalia said.
"No.... why must it be her..... why my sister.....why must she be the one who always suffer!!" Carter started screaming as zia ran to her to console him.
Everythings all wrong in here. So many negativity... sufferings.
I didnt notice that i was crying until i felt hands on my cheeks wiping them off.
"Dont cry alexander. We will figure everything out" he said as he hugged me.

I hope it does.... i really hope it does

😢😢😢So many tragic going on there.......
Alright guyz thats the chapter end. I hope you guyz like it....
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