Dead and alive

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Happy Vishu to all my readers!!!! May you be blessed with peace and prosperity!!😇

Sorry guyz i couldnt update earlier...... was a bit busy.....

Anubis POV

"Sadie!! Where are you" alec shouted. We have been searching for almost half an hour.
Where could she be?? Is she hurt again.
We kept shouting out her name and searching for her. Soon we reach a clearing where the moon can be seen shining bright.
My eyes fell on a figure lying unconcious on the ground. Sadie....
I ran to her shouting her name, alec following close.
I grasped as i saw the scene. Sadie lay there as still as ever, her face very pale as if there is no life left. Her clothes were dirty and ripped.
I kneel down taking her on my lap as alec sat down near by taking and opening up the portion and pouring it on her mouth.
No change.... we waited... still nothing. She's not moving. She's alive.... breathing but........
"Alec damn it...... pour even more..... come on alec she's not responding!" I started shouting recklessly.
"Anubis calm down. This portion is highly powerful. Magnus warned me too much would cause danger." He said trying to calm me.
"But sadie.... she's... why is she suffering like this. We passed the test without any trouble. Is this happening because she's failing?" I asked looking at her. She looks much more desperate than the last time. 
"Sadie..." i called "sadie please..please open your eyes. Dont fail me i need you"

Sadie POV

Where are i? Its dark in here. Complete and utter datkness. Nothing can be seen.....
"Sadie.." suddenly i hear a familier voice.
"Anubis?? ANUBIS!!" i shout as i look around.
"sadie please..please open your eyes. Dont fail me i need you" i hear him say.
"Anubis im here.... im okay..... Anubis can you hear me" i shout.
"Of course he cant my dear" i turned around to see me... other other me.....
She was chained.... her hand was chained and restrained to both side as she was kneening on the ground.
"Whe....where am i??" I sluttered.
"This is inside your soul sadie. The other side. My side. Where i lie. Unnoticed. Without power. But not anymore. You have entered here. The lady is great. She is going to release me like she promised." She said with pure evil and happiness.
"Now im free" she said and suddenly she started to glow as she smirked. It took me a while to notice that i too was starting to glow.
As both of us glowed i felt myself slowly fading and suddenly pain shot through my heart and i started screaming as i clenched my chest and went on my knees. I can hear the other me also screaming in pain. I closed my eyes as the pain kept increasing and all of sudden it stoped. The pain stopped. I dont feel anything. i dead?
"Your not dead sadie" i heard and i opened my eyes quickly to see the other me looking down at me. I looked at my surrounding to find we have swiched places. I was at her place all chained up while stood in my place.
"I home you enjoy uour forever new home" she said with a smirk as she dissapeared.
"Sadie!!your alive!!!i thought you...." i heard anubis voice.

Anubis POV

She still lay on my lap still breathing but faintly. Alec sat opposite to me looking really tired... both physically and emotionally.
I held sadie closer towards me examining her face. Her pale tired face still look beautiful.
We couldnt do anything.... i...i couldnt do anything. What should i do......
Suddenly we both were shocked as she started screaming and twisting. Tears were comming from her eyes as she shouted in pain.
"Sadie!!Sadie!! Wake up. Sadie!" We both started calling and shaking her but it was no use.
All of the sudden she stopped.... just stopped... not just the shaking and screaming but.... she was still....very still. She.. she was breathing very faintly.
I just watched as she was turning pale finally she all of a sudden stopped breathing.
She...she's gone? My sadie??!!!!
I started crying as i leaned myself towards her body, my forehead touching hers. I cried and cried and it felt like eternity.
"Anubis get off me" i heard sadie say.
Wait? Sadie??
I leaned backed looking at sadie. A very alive looking sadie.
"Your a...alive??" I looked at her as she sat up straight. She is..... she's back!!
I was so happy i bounced at her making her fall as she started laughing.
Her laugh... i missed her laugh.
I looked at her much alive shining eyes. For a moment i saw her eyes flickering a tint of red but that must just be my imagination...
I just happy she's back... back to me.

Alec POV

I sat there shock witnessing the whole scene. She was dead. I swear she was. She was so pale. And she didnt breathe for almost 5 mins. And now she's sitting there laughing with anubis as if she was never hurt, as if she was never weak.
I dont understand anything?!

Yea so it sucks i know. But i will do my best to make it better 😙

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Happy Vishu!!!❤

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