Test of bonding

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An update guyz!!!

Sadie POV(the evil one)

    That alec boy seems to have doudt as he looks at me suspeciously but seems like death boy brought it..... ha!!! Love is just blind.
   Now we three are walking in this hell of a maze and lover boy here seems to not wanna let my hand go while alec just walks ahead of us probably to give us privacy.
  Suddenly there was bright light in front of us as a lady appeared in front of us. She was all shiny with red skin and a darker red dress floating in the air.
"Hello brave ones. Welcome to the third stage. I am seryn one of the three keepers of this maze. I am familier to you Anubis since i was your guider. But now this is a teamwork task and i have being chosen to guide you three through this. In this stage you have to show you bond to one another. The trust in each other. I hope you all succeed." She says and dissapears and almost immediately we heard a loud roar from behind.
We slowly turned our heads to find a really huge really ugly looking ogre maybe?? Idk ok... but its really ugly.
Both the guys took out its weapons ready to fight and i did the same pulling out my sword.
"Sadie use a bonding spell on us" anubis said much to my dismay.
Shit im screwed!! Since im a evil-spirited side im not able to use god's powers.
"Well.... um.... i cant.....i mean im still weak...yea...yea im still weak Anubis!" I said as i smirk internally proud of my quick cover-up.
"Dont worry i got it" alec says taking out a wand...no a steele... i think thats what its called.
"Lets kicks its ass" alec smirks as we all charged towards the ugly beast.
This freak of a monster is very strong we have been fighting it for so long and we are tired as hell. We have been slicing its body, stabbing it, using different spells but it recovers almost immediately. Damn im losing my patience. I wanna just use my new powers and vaporize it.
Hey! I told you i cant use the god's power, but i would be powerless if the lady hadnt gifted me any. Time to test my new power but it has to go unnoticed.
I raised my sword and i attacked it as i chanted my new spell. I stabbed the beast right in the heart region before i chanted the last word of the spell making the sword glow and the beast to disintegrate.
*smirks* now try to heal you ugly piece of sh**!
I turned to face the boys both looked shocked. "Guess we just needed to stab in the heart" i said as if obvious.
"But i tried that many times and nothing happened, so how co....." alec said but i cut him off.
"Be happy i saved your a** boy" i said walking forward to be only stoped by the same red skined floating girl.
"Good job. You are now worthy of entering the palace where youll find the stone. I wish you luck." She says before she dissapears and instead stood a big wooden door with vines grown on them.
We spent hours in the palace searching each rooms and hell there are lots of them!!!
We reached a door red in colour which is clearly different from others as they are just pain wood colour. We opened to be faced with stair.
Anubis reached his head up and whistled. "Man thats a hell lot of steps." And he was right. It seems like one of the palace towers.
We reached half of the stairs and was taking our third break. My legs are killing me. But i need to find the stone so i stood up and said "come on no time to rest." And started walking.
"Hey milady, want me to carry? I know you want it." He said making me gag.
"Fuck off" was all i said before i continued walking as he stood there mouth-open and shocked.
We finally reached the top to face another red door. We opened it and it was empty. What the fuck!!! All for nothing!!!
"Oh come on you got to be kidding me!! We came up here to face nothing!!" Alec fumes.
But i started feeling strange as something is calling me. I walked into the room to hit an..... invisible wall? I roamed my hands in it.... yes it is an invisible wall.
"Stand back sadie" i heard anubis say before he took an extinguisher and threw it causing it to shatter to a million pieces.
My eyes fell upon a stand in the middle with glass sheild protecting around it.
I went closer to find a small red marble in a violet cushion. I lifted the glass shield and put it to the side, admiring the marble stone.
I feel so attached to it. So strong is the power emitting from it. I slowly lifted my hand and took it. Its suprisingly warm.
I feel instincts push in making me hold it close to my heart. Suddenly it glowed and i felt something flew out of it before the light suddenly dissapeared.
"What the hell just happened" Anubis asked just as confused as i was.
"I have no idea but atleast we found it." Alec said.
"It?? Dont disgracefully call me it!" A new voice bloomed and fierce and powerful one making me look in the direction of the voice.
There comming out of the shadows was a boy.... a small boy. He looks around 7 but his eyes told otherwise. He wore old epyptian while cloths. But he was not solid. He is as thou a ghost as his body is like a seethrough.
"Im not a 'it'. Never call me it." He said.
"Im sorry who are you?" Anubis said louding out my question.
"Funny you ask that after you gone through a lot to find me" he said with a smirk.
"Wait mikly stone is a small boy??" Alec asked looking at the boy as if he growed a second head.
"No im million of years old and i can also change to any form be it human or animal. But only when im in free form. That is until i find my vessel." He said his voice dominent and fierce which definitely doent fit his appearence. He then turn to me and smiled. "I have being waiting for you for so long Sadie. Be it good or evil side of you. Im am loyal to you and your wish is my command. Ones you chant the words of acceptence i will be able to enter my realm in your body whereby making you take me as a whole new power. But until then i will fulfil it as you comment the words out." He said bowing his head down.
"Perfect" i said smirking. Matter of time till i leave these useless people and join the lady to conquer the world.

Sadie pov(the good one)

"No!! No !!please dont listen to her mikyl!!please!!!" I screamed as i saw the scene infront of me.
Yes... i saw everything. How shes cheating on them while i sit here doing nothing about it.
Im torn..... chained...... and weak......

Alrighty everbody.... thats the chapter. Sorry i took long to update. Bein hell busy!!! But love you all for all support!!!!
Dont 4get to vote comment and follow!!!

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