Asmodeus hell

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Dedicated to HanaHany3 for all her support, comments and vote. She was even kind enough to be my editor!
Yay im having a personal editor for this book!! Im pretty excited!!
Wish us luck♥️

Sadie(the real one) POV:

Feeling like i wanna die is just an understatement. Looking at everything happening in front of me..... sitting there doing nothing but witnessing this nightmare..... ive never felt so useless... i feel so pity for myself. I gave out a dark chuckle at the helpless situation im in.

Sadie(evil one)POV

Look at them.... ha! Pathetic as ever. Even the strongest is bowing their head in respect to me.
I had defeated Asmodeus, one of the prince of hell making me the ruler of this place. To my right mikyl stood silently observing everything happening and to my left stood Amkhula and her son.
Now the only thing we need to do is attack the nome and kill all those magicians and then i can take down the god!
I smiled wide at the thought of being all powerful.

Anubis POV

Porteling to different place is dizzy and portelling to the deepest of hell is like going on the dealiest rollercoaster with no seat belt.
All of us except magnus was on our knees breathing heavily and trying  best not to throw up.
"Come on we have to go" magnus said after a few minutes.
"Where are we?" Zia asked looking around.
This place just screams hell with its desert like-look and smell of death.
"Realm of Asmodeus" magnus said looking ahead with a hardened expression.
"Wait Asmodeus? Your father Asmodeus?" Alec asked as all our eyes widen.
"Father?!" We all shout looking at him.
"Yes my father. Its not like i get to choose who to be my father. So lets just ignore the topic and go visit his palace." He said as he started walking, us quickly catching up with him.
"Woah" is all that came out of my mouth. We stood in front of a humongous gate followed by a huge castle made of red bricks.
"This place is just.....humonguos and scary. I wanna go home!" Zia said as she tightly grip on carter's arm.
Magnus opened the door and we entered the pathway but stopped mid when we saw many monsters slaughtered.
"What the hell!" Alec shouts taking out his seraph blade and we all followed suit taking out ours.
"It seems they have reached first" i said looking at the disgusting scene in front of me.
"Father..." magnus said as he ran to the kitchen. He opened the castle door and stood there shocked.
We went and looked ahead of him making us also stund.
More monsters lay their motionless, some in the most displeasing manner that would give you nightmares for the rest of your life. The whole room was destroyed, everything toppled over and as we walked more inside the sight just keeps getting worse.
We reached in front of a huge double door. Magnus stopped in front hesitant to open it.
"Magnus...are you alright?" Alec asked as he put his hand on his shoulder.
"Im fine alexander" he said with a small smile before he opened the door. It was a throne room well at least i think it is. The place was in the worst condition than the rest. The room has blood stained wall and so was the throne chair.
Magnus fell on his knees while alec shouts and runs to him.
"I dont know why i feel like crying.... i should laugh.... i hate him to the core. But... but here i am crying. I feel pathetic" magnus said as he wiped the tears that started streaming down his face.
"Magnus its okay" alec said cupping his face.
"Magnus.... he's your father. You will feel like that even if you hate him. Its completely normal." Carter said.
"Maybe" he said and all of us became silent.
There was a sudden noise filling the room before a vision appeared in front of us. "Guyz are you there can you hear me?"Clary's voice boomed along with many other noises.
"Clary what is it" alec asked alerted. "Thank the angel this worked! Guys the nome is under attack! There are too many demons. And sadie's with them!" She said.
"Clary come on!! We need to keep them off the border!" Jace screamed from other end.
"Im comming!! Guys hurry back!!" She said before the vision disappears.
"We should go now!" I said as every nodded.
"Alright everyone hold hands and close your eyes" magnus said standing up.
We did as told and after a few second i felt like flying.

Thats all guyz... the story is getting to an end!!!

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