Sibling clash(Sadie POV)

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      Hellloooooooo.....I'm baaaccckkkk.....😙😙😙
And the story continuezzzz.....
       1 week complete rest and now my wounds are almost healed. Anubis was with me always taking care of me while my so called  brother.....argh!!! What is wrong with him!!! He is not talking to me!!
          I have never seen such a shitty face of Carter. He came running to the room on hearing me being awake, but after a few 'sadie r u really alright?' 'do u feel pain' and all other shits he became silent all of sudden.... wouldnt look me in the face.
    Right now us along with anubis, zia and bast are talking and honestly i dont get any of it. It seems that we are planning to go and meet a guy named Ragnor.
"He was last seen in paris. Thats where we'll start looking." Zia said finalizing everything.
"Ok lets go pack." Carter said as he closed a very big.....and i mean BIG book which seems to contain all informations of world famous wizards and stuffs and stood up.
Carter taking Zia's hand started walking towards the door when i grabed his other hand, "cater we need to talk" i said.
"Is anything wrong sadie" he asked but he is avoiding looking into eyes.
"Yes..... Guys could you give us a minute" i asked to which they all went leaving me and carter alone in this room.
"Why are you avoiding me" i asked bluntly.
"Im not avoiding you. You must be thinking things" he said still not looking at me!!
"Carter look me in the eye!!! Why are you avoiding me!!! Why don't you talk to me.......I am your sister for god sake!!!! why are you doing this to me" I started screaming. "Annoying or not you are still my brother and you still have responsiblity!!" I continued as tears ran down my eyes.
But what he did surprised me.....
He kneeled down on the floor with his hands covering his face and started crying "I tried to kill you ......I tried to kill my own sister" he started shouting as he tried to pull out his hair.
"Carter relax .......please relax" I panicked.
I kneeled down as i tried to calm him down while calling out for Zia. She along with Anubis running into the room and let's just say Zia was really good at controlling Carter.
        I sat on my bed covering my face and started crying. I felt hand on my shoulder and knowing clearly who it was, i just rapped my arms around anubis waist and started crying.
      "Dont cry sadie it hurts me... more than anything" he said as he stroke my hair.
"Why did he say that....why did he do that. What happened that I don't remember. Tell me anubis please" I begged him.
"Sadie.....just understand that whatever happened is not your fault or anybodies. He's just having a rough time." He said hugging me tighter.
"Did he really...umm... try to..well. ..umm...kill me?" I asked.
"Mm" was all he said. I didn't ask anymore. This is just not right. He is not the one to tell... I should hear it from Carter. I stayed there crying for a few more minutes before I leaned back rubbing my eyes.
"Had enough crying?" He asked and I nodded a yes.
"Good because you just ruined my new favorite white and I repeat 'white' dress with your kohyl." He said pointing at his shirt now ruined with my mascara.
I threw a pillow at him and then another "idiot!!I'm crying and all you can think of is your stupid shirt!!!" I shouted on throwing it.
"Hey hey I'm just kidding. Trying to lighten up this heavy mood" he said dorging the two flying pillows.
Before I could grab a third pillow he got hold of my hand pushing me and pinning me down to the bed.
"It's being a while since we were in this position huh..." He said smiling.
Oh God his smile......
(Anubis POV)
God her eyes....her lips.....each and every inch of her is breathtaking. I kept looking at her eyes as I reduced the distance between us.
"You know anyone can come in." She said her one eyebrow raised.
I snapped my finger locking the door "problem solved" i said to which she smirked and that was it. Her trade mark smirk...... As if she knew I would have done that. Without any time clashed my lips on her.
We kissed and like always feels like heaven. Everytime I kissed her it felt like my first..... that it is the ultimate weapon that would killed me. I love every part of spending time with her. I will protect her, be by her. No one will be able to separate us Sadie. No one.......
I parted my face from her so that we won't die because of lack in oxygen. I kept on looking at her beautiful shining lustful eyes....the same eyes that keep hypnotising me to do anything she wants.....
"You know that we are going tomorrow at the earliest and we need to pack and rest." I said as I removed a strand of hair from her face.
"Like I give a damn about it" she said as she pushed me rejoining our lips.
*knock knock....
A loud bang was heard through the door. Every freaking time!!!!
"What!!!" I screamed.
"You better stop it!! I know you two are trying to have sex!!" A voice came from the other side.
"Im gonna kill that freaking cat!!!" I cursed as I moved away from her.
Sadie, irritated she was, stomped her way towards the door swinging it open.
"We weren't doing sex!!!!" She screamed raising her arms in the air.
"Like hell you aren't!!! Your hair says otherwise!!!" She said pointing at her hair.
"Look we need not prove to you if we had or didnt..... just get out of here." I said completely annoyed.
"I don't care who you bang..... but you don't bang her!!!" She raged pointing at me.
Oh that's it...she done for....
I raised my hand summoning a blue energy ball and bast on seeing this summoned her.
"Stop it both of you" Sadie screamed catching both our attention.
"Bast we did not have sex!!! And anubis what are you nine?? Both of you are freaking crazy. Just Get out!!!!" She said pushing us out and locking the door.
"Idiots" she screamed.
"Whatever...I'm out of here" bast said as we walked away.
Argh that women!!! Now I got kicked out!! What did I do!?
"Sadie?" I called knocking the door.
"Go to your room anubis. I'm busy packing" she shouted back.
Huh...... why do I deserve this!!!! Why she angry with me!!!
That cat!! I cursed walking towards my room.
And the end of this chapter guyzzz!!!!!
I just thought of writing anubis POV showing his feeling during their love moments
I know you guyzzz must seriously be cursing me for ruining their love time every single time huh? 😅Well lets wait and see for an uninterrupted moment!!!😜😜😜
Sorry for not updating in a while..... was seriously being addicted to a movie series...... I just open my lap ready to write the next chapter and my hands directly goes to Google typing the movie "Goblin"!!!!! It's like my hand doesn't listen to my brain!!!!😆😆😆😆
Anyhow I recommend you watch it! It's amazingly beautiful!!!! The video above is the official music trailer.
I'm addicted to the music to.......
It's like giving mysterious atmosphere with magic and love and confusion.......
OK. Now I'm being confusing......just try watching the music video It's gooood......
Love you all guyzzz!!!
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