Where's my brother?

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Hey guyzzz hoped you like the last chapter!!!
Here's the next one.....its like a filler.....next will be the second test they will face......

Anubis pov
        We kept on walking calling for sadie. What if she didnt pass the test!! What will happen then!!! I was panicking until i heard alecs voice.
"Sadie!!" He called running forward as i follow her.
There she lay facing the ground, her face and dress covered in dirt.
We ran to her and knelt down taking her her to my lap. She was very pale and there were dark patches through out her hands and leg.
"Sadie... sadie open your eyes. Its alright im hear just please open your eyes." I said trying to wake her up as tears threaten to fall from my face.
"Umm.....anubis?" She called as she stir and opened her eyes. "Urgh!!my head hurts!" She shouted as she wince.
"Slowly sadie...... come on....dont pressure yourself." Alec said as we slowly made her sit straight. She leaned on to me and i wraped my hands around her waist to make her steady. Alec started looking at her wound..... taking some bandages and wrapping around her wound and marking. Her eyes is only half open and looks so weak. There were dark circles around her eyes and her once bright blue eyes were dull. She was so pale... paler than death not to mention her body was completely patched with dark marks. It makes my heart ache... she is the most energetic and the most mesmorzing person ive ever met but look at her now. So weak and lifeless.
"Sadie can you open your eyes?? Sadie come on drink this. Its a magical potion magnus gave me in case of emergency. It will help regain your energy quick." Alec said as he tried to make her drink the bottle of potion.
Sadie drank about half of it and started to cough. Some of her colour was regaining back and her eyes was now fully open.
"Thankyouuuu magnus! I love you!!!" Alec shouted fist pumping the air as i laugh. I could feel sadie's slight giggling to.
"Sadie are you alright. What happened in the test. We didnt get any hurt. Well mentally yes. But you look like you were tested roughly and physically." I asked her concerned as alec nodded.
"Yes sadie. The test of fear was a mental challenge not a physical what happened." Alec repeated.
"N..nothing happened. Maybe my test was..um.. diffirent from yours." She said and i didnt belive a single thing. She is lying. I could tell clearly and it seems that alec to had his doudts.
Sadie pov
Oh god....... its eating me alive... the guilt. I lied to them all and it seems like they are not buying it. But im glad they didnt ask further questions.
Suddenly a light glow appeared again in front of us and the women returned.
"She lokked at anubis first then alec and then turned to me. She stared at me with doudt and confusion in eyes until i cleared my throat.
"I didnt see you or your vision. I was blocked. How? But seems like you passed if your succesfully here..... ill have my eyes on you girl. Something is not right" she said as i stared down at my foot.
"Since you all pass the test of fear you may walk forward to the next test. The test of desire. This will test you for your deepest desire and wants. I wish you all best. You may walk forward and you will reach a door which will lead you to your next test." She said and dissappeared.
"Alright lets go" alec said as he started to walk forward.
"Yes lets" anubis said as he walked to me and lifted me in a piggyback style. Normally ill find it very romantic and fun but now.....
We walked forward and i dont know but i fell asleep at some point.
I opened my eyes and stared into an intense brown one in front of me. I sat up sowly as anubis supported me.
"Hey" i said smiling back.
"We thought we needed rest before walking into our next test." Anubis said as he carmessed my cheek.
"Are you feeling better sadie." Alec saud as he sat next to me.
I smiled and nodded and then saw a re door with golden lines.
"Is that the door to our next test" i asked.
"Yes" they both answered in unison.
"How long since i was out?" I asked
"About 1 hour. But you needed it" anubis said.
"Ok now lets go" alec said standing up and holding both his hands out.
I held on to them and he push me up as anubis held on to my waist pushing me.
Damn im so weak i cant even get up on own... even with both of them supporting i almost fell. My legs feel wobbly.
We stood there for a good one minute before we walked in front of the door.
"Here goes nothing" alec said opening the door and entering me behind.

Magnus pov

Its being one whole day and no sign of them. We built a campfire in front of the gate. But i mean come on we're outside and its cold. I hope they are safe.....
We were talking and roasting marshmellow, which i magically brought, but freezed when we heard a growl.
We looked at the direction of the voice and met with dull yellow eyes.
"A werewolf!!" Bast sprinted taking out her dagger.
"No thats not a werewolf. Its completely a demon. Werewolves cant enter this dimension" i said fear in my eyes.
Suddenly we heard more growls as two more appeared beside them.
Zia and carter pulled out their swords while i started to initiate my magic bringing my sword. My magic wont affect them as im still really weak.
It attacked and one of them lunged to me as i slashed it with my sword.
We fought but seems like we're losing the battle.
Carter was thrown to the ground a demon on top of him tring to bite his head of but carter prevents it with his sword.
Zia was using her spells creating a sheild in one hand and attacking it with a sword while bast kept lunging at it back and forth.
The demon im facing kept lunging at me as i kept on dodging it succesfully. I started using magic little by little but it was still weak.
Suddenly it lunged at me and i fell on the ground with it on top of me. It growled as it attacked to bite my head off but instead it gave out a shrek cry and fell sidewise amd perish on the ground.
My eyes widen as i saw a seraph blade.
"Alexander!!" I shouted and looked ahead but it was not alec but.... Jace??
I looked around and found that the other demons were killed and in their place Clary and Izzy stood.
"How did you...." i tried to ask but jace pulled me by the coller and boy he was angry.
"Where's my brother magnus?"

After the whole demon incident and jace's great lecture of being a irresponsible boyfriend we settled beside the campfire.
"Look i love alexander and you know i wont let him go involve in any danger.." i started.
"But you did you idiot!" Jace exclaimed as i stared at him.
"Let him say Jace" clary said rubbing his upper arm.
"Thankyou clary. Now... i wouldnt let him go off to any danger but you know how persistent he is!! Now he is choosen by the maze and all we can do is sit here. Jace i know it hurts you but you should knoe it hurts me to... he is my boyfriend also." I explained and he just nodded.
"I just hope my brother is safe." He said letting out a sigh.
"But how did you enter here. I mean how could you locate us in the duet. Its a place youll get lost if there is no aim. You found us exactly here when none of us are not even sure where here is" Carter said confused.
"I used my parabatai rune to locate alec and it lead us straight here." He explained but carter and zia where really confused.
"Para what??" Zia asked.
"Parabatai rune zia. Its a bonding rune which ties two souls together. So if one  get hurt or anything bad happens the other will feel. If one is lost other can find him with his rune. It binds two brothers into one." I explained as they listened carefully.
"Woah cool. I must do more research on you guys." carter remarked now clearly interested in our world.
"I should say the same."jace said smiling at him.
"But simon and luke were also with us but they arent now?" Izzy asked confused.
"Downworlders are not allowed here in the duet so they couldnt enter" i said.
"But..." clary started before i waved her off knowing what her next question is.
"Im am different. My father is the king of this realm so im given permission to enter." I said as chills pass through my spine thinking of my father.
"So we just wait?" Clary asked.
"Yes we just wait here" bast said nodding her head.
"I just hope they are safe" zia said to which we all nodded.
Please be safe guys......

Thats all guyz....hoped you like it.....
Follow comment and vote yall!!!!

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