The search for Sadie

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And here we are...... last chapter was a bummer right?? Cliff-hangers......
I'm so happy my exams are postponed I just couldn't stop thinking about writing the next chapter.....I just couldn't wait till tomorrow so I finished it today!!!!
Anyhow let the next chapter begin🎊🎉🎊🎉🎺🎺

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(Anubis POV)

Something was definitely wrong about all this. That is not the real Sadie I know. The way she stood there shocked as soon as she told those words.... it was as if she had no control over her mind.

I took the towel which lay on the floor and started drying my hair.

"Ahhh" I heard a loud scream.


I ran across the hall to the direction of the scream. On the way I bumped into carter both of us panting.

"Anubis!!" He shouted

"Carter" I called back.

"Carter!!! Anubis!!! Anyone!!! Help!!!" Zia shouted to which we both stood up and ran. It came from Sadie's room.

We ran to Sadie's room to see it completely destroyed...the curtain, furniture, bed...everything.

Zia was next to the bed fighting a........ Monster?? How did a monster enter through the barrier???

Carter took out his sword from the duet and ran towards the monster swinging it in its back causing it to scream.

It was huge with a tail like a crocodile. It had green scales and red eyes. I could feel it emitting a large amount of negative energy.

The monster threw carter towards a stand on the corner and it lunged toward Zia. I took a step forward collecting all the surrounding energies calling out the dead. The ground suddenly shook splitting open before dozens of dead soldiers started attacking the monster.

Zia took this time to retrieve her sword from the floor before lunging towards the monster slicing its throat. It disintegrated into thin air.

We both ran towards carter who was shouting out in pain.

Zia chanted a spell and a healing symbol appeared erasing all his pain. Now he lay peacefully on Zia's lap.

"What happened I heard screaming!?" Ron shouted entering the room.

"Where were you? Couldn't you come sooner?" I snapped at him.

"I didn't know where this was happening. It's a very big house and even if I was here I won't be able to do anything!!!" He shouted back.

"You son...." I was going to lung towards him when Zia shouted to stop. "Stop acting like 5 year olds. We have an important mission in our hand now. We must find Sadie!!"

Sadie!!! How can I forget she's missing. I have to find her.

"Zia's right. We have to find her." Carter said sitting up straight his hand in his head.

"But where to look?" I asked a clear question in the air.

"How about we search the house?" Ron suggests. "No one asked you" I snapped.

"I don't know what is wrong with you Anubis but stop. Ron is right let's check the house first. Zia and I will look inside while you guys look outside." Carter said leaving the room with Zia behind.

We searched for Sadie in the lawn and garden but to no vain. Now we, and by we I mean me and that red-dumb headed Ron, were walking towards the river. Both of us have not talked to each other since we left.

"I know you are trying to take Sadie away from me. I will never let you have her. She's mine" I finally said looking ahead.

"It's her decision. You may be in her heart now.... but if ever she decides to leave you....ill step into it. I will try my best to win her over." He said hatred in his voice.

That really pissed me off!!! How dare he!!! My hands formed into a fist on the side as I tried to restrain myself from punching him....oh when he comes to the hall of judgement I'm going to make him freaking pay. (A/N you know as in when he dies and goes to hall of judgement....get it???😂 know what just ignore me....I'm just.....yea...ok back to the story😅😅)

We reached the lake in front of our house. There was some kind of a bad aura around here.

Something was not right. The air seems thick. I was looking around the lake while he was looking in between the trees.

"Sadie!!!" I heard Ron scream. I ran as fast as I can through the quick trees to a small clearing. In the corner leaning on a tree Sadie laid, her eyes closed, Ron shaking her to wake up.

"Sadie!" I called running to her. Ron moved away and stood up as I sat down next to her. She looked pale and her skin was so cold. There was only slight breathing. She looked like she was dead.

I took her cheeks in my hand shaking it, "Sadie...Sadie please....Sadie wake up. Please. Just respond to me somehow. Come on..." I pleaded as tears ran from my eyes. She laid there still not a movement, her breathing getting fainter and fainter.

It's my entire fault. If I had put more effort to take care of her, look out for her. I hate this....I really do. I closed my eyes my head down as I started crying.

Suddenly I felt a slight moan from her. I looked up and saw her twitching her eyebrows.

"Sadie!!!!" I screamed my hand till cupping her face.

All the sudden she opened her eyes..... Wide. "Sadie, oh Lord Ra!!! Thank you....thank you. Sadie... are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you remember anything??" I kept on bombarding her with questions.

She kept on staring into my eyes...wide eyed.....her eyes were... different......

"Sadie.... are you.... al...Right???" I asked my voice cracking.

I felt a pain through my chest as I flew back hitting a tree behind.

"Anubis!!!" I heard Ron scream.

I was shocked.... Sadie used a ha-di spell on me!!!!

"Sadie!!! What are you doing!!!?" I heard Ron screaming.

I looked up.

Sadie stood in midair. Her eyes red, an evil smile rested on her face.

She was glowing red.....

Sadie....Why are you attacking me....

Oooo another cliff-hanger....... I like cliff-hanger don't you??😆😆😆
well we'll just have to wait right!!!
Anyhow I hope you like this chapter. Comment what you think will ya?
What do you think happened to Sadie??

Vote comment and follow guys'!!!!
Love you all so much!!!😙

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