13. The change of heart(s)

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That was all he saw in her eyes for him and for the first time he felt what that emotion must have done to Khushi when he showed it to her through his eyes and gestures. When she loved him like no one ever loved him. When she worshiped him he was sure she must haven't have worshiped her devi maiyya the way she devoted herself to him.

It was torturing to say the least. The intensity of the contempt was too much for him to bear that he closed his eyes not being able to bear the pain caused by the hate oozing out of her eyes for him.

"Khushi... You...you remember?"

"Remember what?" Hate was gone from her eyes followed by a serene calmness within seconds. He was amazed with the way she hid her emotions. He shuddered as a thought occurred him.

Has she become a female ASR?

"I..." His mouth turned dry. He felt speechless.

"What happened Dr.Singh? That's your name, isn't it?"

Sweat beads formed on his forehead as he tried to search her face for any sign of his old Khushi who openly showed her emotions but he found none.

"No..I mean..yes.. I mean.."

Anjali stared at her brother shocked at the way he was stammering.It was the first time she was seeing her brother disarmed as if he doesn't, someone else holds the power over his life and happiness and that someone was standing right in front of him with nothing but indifference shining out of her eyes

"When did the famous business tycoon turned doctor Mr.Raizada?"

"You...are back." he choked cupping the side of her cheek softly in a surprise and happiness.

Gupta family especially Shashi was angered seeing Arnav touching his daughter and her standing firm without pushing him away.

"Unfortunately for you. I am back, yes!"

Reluctantly he removed his hand as if he knew his touch wasn't welcome anymore.

"Khushi..bitiya" Shashi's voice broke their painful eye lock.

Khushi turned to her father and her mask of indifference slipped and tears filled her eyes as she gazed at her father and her jiji, Amma, Buaji with love and longing.

Arnav felt envious of her family. The way she became the old Khushi for her family completely flabbergasted him even though he knew he shouldn't feel like that but it raised the fear and doubt that she would leave him now that she has gained back her senses.

He knew he was being ridiculous. Wishing for something which can never happen but a man can hope. He did too that maybe...maybe she won't leave him and would give him a chance to mend his mistakes but seeing her reaction to himself has shattered his hopes and he was panicking from inside with even the thought of her leaving him now that she was fine. Her father won't let her live here anymore, he knew and now he don't have any excuse to make her bind to him as well. Feeling of despair hit him hard as his eyes teared up as he saw her hugging each and every member of her family and smiling at them as if to reassure them that she wasn't broken from inside.As if he didn't shatter her dreams and her too.

As Shashi asked Khushi to start packing her things Arnav shouted a loud "NO" before Khushi could even say something.

He swallowed as she raised an amused eyebrow at him. Why does he have a feeling that he wasn't seeing his Khushi but someone else in a place of her. Because she wasn't behaving like she usually do. She wasn't the same person anymore. Doctor's word rang in his ears making his fear more strong.

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