23. The cracks II

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The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence your mind ~ Caroline Myss

Pouring the water in the glass, he picked it up and brought it to his lips before gulping down a sip only to see her standing at the door of the kitchen nervously twisting her fingers.

"What is it?" He knew what that look on her face meant.

"I want to say something." Her eyes teared up as she said that.

"Yes?" He asked placing the glass back on the slab.

"I am sorry." She choked.

"Please forgive me." She pleaded.

He sighed.

"Anjali, you will have to stop doing that." He said sternly.

"Shyam ji, Please? Chote and Khushi ji are together. Nothing bad happened."

"That wasn't because of you. It's because of Arnav's effort that they are together because if it were up to you--you would've snatched the only chance he had with her by drugging him." He spat.

She flinched.

"He has left Delhi forever. He won't talk to me. He doesn't even take my calls. Isn't it enough punishment for what I did? I lost my brother Shyam ji. Don't make me lose you too." She said silently with stream of tears falling down her cheeks.

"You have never had me ever to lose me Anjali. It was over seven years ago. It still is."

"THEN WHY DID YOU STAYED OVER THAT NIGHT YEARS AGO WHEN I BROKE DOWN? Why did you make love to me?" She whispered at the end.

"Because I was drunk if you remember. I wouldn't done that mistake if I were sane!" He snapped.

"A mistake?" She croaked. "It was because of that mistake that I became pregnant." She yelled stepping close to him.

"It was because of that mistake only that I had to accept you back." He bellowed back on her face.

Anjali whimpered.

"I was drunk but you weren't but still you didn't stop me." He accused.

"Because I wanted to be close to you!" She exclaimed. "I was broken Shyam ji. I still am."

"I shouldn't be surprised. You were selfish and you will stay so forever. I just realized the truth a bit late."He gritted.



They both turned to find their 6 years old son standing with confusion and worry written all over his face.

"Dhruv." Anjali rushed to him wiping her tears.

"Why are you both fighting?" He asked looking over at both of them.

"We.. weren't fighting. It was just an argument." Anjali tried to cover it up.

"Did you both have this type of argument everyday? Is that why you have sent me to a boarding school?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

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