19. The melancholy

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"Doctor can you...can you give some sedatives to my brother?" Anjali asked in a plea with tears rolling down her cheeks.He has fainted again after his several attempts to get up.She can't see him like this.It is painful for him physically and emotionally for her to see her Chote this much hurt.

"Yes we can but why is he trying to get up again and again? He should rest and relax."

Anjali swallowed.

"N..nothing doctor. He just don't want to be weak. He never was." Her voice cracked as she recalled an image of her healthy and ever so dominant and composed Chote. The ASR.

"Well in that case I can help." The doctor said.

"Sister inject a mild sedative in his drip." He instructed the nurse.

"It will keep him sleeping till a few hours." He told Anjali.

Anjali glanced at the sleeping Arnav guiltily as nurse loaded the injection in the syringe.

"I am sorry Chote." She whispered caressing his head.

As nurse brought the injection close to his arm a push threw the syringe at the far corner of the room causing Anjali and nurse to look at this sudden reaction in shock.

His  tired eyes met Anjali's and she looked away ashamed seeing the accusation there.

He was half conscious but wasn't able to open his eyes due to fatigue after his several attempts to get up when he heard what his own sister was trying to do here.

She was doing it again.

Wasn't she the one because of whom he has reached to this state.

Just because of her over selfishness!

And again.. again she was showing her quality to ruin everything for him.He was trying to gain his all senses back for those minutes in which she talked to doctor to give him sedatives and with all of the strength within him he has pushed the injection away which could have cost him his life. Khushi is his life isn't she? She knows. His Di knows but still she..

"Chote.. you okay?" She placed her hand on his head recovering from the shock of his sudden action.

His eyes were red due to the force with which he applied on himself to get to consciousness.

"Don't come...near me." He said under the mask of oxygen.

"Get..get your hands...off..off me" He scowled moving his face away and mustering all of his courage took off the oxygen mask.

Then the turn came for the cannula and later on all the machines attached to his body.

By the time he was done he was breathless. Sweat was trickling down his hospital gown which soon drenched from the front of the chest.

Anjali cried out at his hurried self harming actions.

"Chote you aren't well. Please." She croaked.

He moved his feet weakly to the other side of the bed to place them on the floor.

"Get out!" He breathed leaning forward with his back to her clutching the bed tightly from either sides trying to regulate his breathing without the support.

Anjali started crying.

"Chote I just wanted to--help" She explained.

He was about to shout when the door opened and Shyam entered.

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