15. The final verdict

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Everything was the same like those six months between them.

They shared relation in night and in the day time they were strangers.

The only difference was that Arnav was gentle towards her Khushi was indifferent while he was not.

He would stare at her with longing in the day time a longing stare which brought tears to even Anjali's eyes whenever she see him wistfully looking at Khushi and at night...at night he would love her like he has never loved anyone before pouring out all the emotions in his caresses .. kisses.. soft grazes all over her body especially her scars.

When she would fall asleep spent he  would apply ointment to every marks he has given her so far in those months and it proved fruitful as the following months her scars started healing that only a few faint one remained which he was sure would vanish in a few days.


It has turned out the same result since the last three months.

He has seen her drown into sadness every time the pregnancy test results turn out negative.

She would sob sitting at one corner of the poolside and he could do nothing but watch her as at every failed try she would shut him out for a few days before continuing their physical relationship at nights.

But now, she was at the end of her patience.

He can see that as she threw the strip angrily and marched up to him and grabbed his collars.

"Mr.Raizada, This is all happening because of you."

He stared at her with pain.

"Don't look at me like that." She shouted punching his chest.

He held his palm up to Anjali who has come running to his room hearing Khushi's shouts.

She stopped at the door itself and teared up when Arnav gestured her to leave through his eyes.Khushi's back was to the door.

Anjali turned and left praying for the well being of her brother and Bhabhi.

"Please devi maiyya make a way to heal them both." She whispered to herself coming back to her room as she heard the shouts coming from her Chote's room.

"I don't know how would you do that. But I WANT MY CHILD. Did you get it?" she howled.

"Khushi we're trying. I am trying. Just..just wait for a bit more." He said softly covering his hands over hers on his collars.

"NO. I can't wait anymore. I can't." She suddenly turned mournful after being angry.

He feared she might go into depression again.He has to do something to keep her out of the hopelessness.

"Khushi..." He started.

She shrugged his hands and gave him a rough push.

He stumbled back.

"You're doing this aren't you?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"W-What am I doing?" He asked composing himself from the hurt he felt at her indifference.

"Are you using some prevention techniques so that I don't get pregnant?" It was more of an accusation than a question.

"WHAT? God NO KHUSHI!" He exclaimed.

How in the fucking hell she got that notion?

"Don't lie. Do you want to enjoy me for long? That's why you're prolonging it aren't you? Did you mix contraceptive pills in any thing I drank or ate till now?"

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