16. The composure

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"The final verdict has been declared in ASR's case.Our sources informed that he has been announced an imprisonment of 8 long years.The security is so tight that we still couldn't find out what allegations were put on him BUT our secret source revealed that he has had a secret marriage and this complaint was made by his very own wife. Woah there the eligible bachelor isn't eligible anymore girls is he?"

"A good news for female fans of ASR, the court has accepted the divorce case filed by his unknown faced wife. Why? It is a big question mark.Here to tell you guys ASR and that girl has been married for last eight months.Shocked are we?"

"A new breaking news about the fashion king ASR. Our sources informed that he denied getting any favors during his imprisonment.He even denied the offered help from ministers and various political leaders.What is it that ASR is so guilty of? When he can have luxurious life in jail as well then why is he not taking it? Is he out of his mind? Who in their right frame of mind denies such privileges? Well guys only he and his very, very close ones can answer it. But the major question is. If his secret wife meant too much for him then what did he do that she filed a case against him? Stay tuned.We will let you know any progress regarding this mystery! Shalini Mehta, Aaj News Delhi."

"ASR handed over the reign of AR to his sister Anjali Jha. Yes. He signed power of attorney to her this morning in the jail.But the question is will Anjali Jha be able to handle the falling business of Mr.Raizada? His most of the clients has withdrawn themselves owing to the case filed against ASR and more so his reputation has been lowered due to his sentenced punishment.Will AR soon be bankrupt or Anjali Jha possess the brain and skills like ASR to prevent its downfall?"

"Another shocking revelation regarding ASR's case. Anjali Jha and her husband Shyam Jha are back together. Well you guys must be wondering when did they part? To answer that our sources revealed that they both weren't living together since the last many years even before ASR was sent to jail.Here we are confused.Was his sister's separation linked with ASR's behavior with his wife? Is it that ASR's wife and his sister didn't get along well? Speculations are this too that Anjali Jha has a role to play in separation between ASR and his secret wife.What is it? We contacted Anjali Jha but she remained unavailable.She refused to comment anything on this matter before the media. They all stay tight lipped."

"After struggle of 6 long years Anjali Jha is able to give AR its old reputation back.But you can still the difference here. ASR wouldn't have taken this much time but lets just say all are not ASR even his sister. But yeah AR is back to all its glory. Shyam Jha who has been linked with AR as its legal adviser has a major role to play in it as he supported his wife throughout.Welcome back AR fashion industry."

"Here is an attached pic of Arnav Singh Raizada in a simple attire fulfilling his penal servitude inside jail.Lucky we are to get his insight after 6 and a half years of his imprisonment. ASR has silently bore his imprisonment without a word and has refused to come before media during this time.This picture indicates that he has lost weight and his cheek bones are visible too.What is he doing to himself? We still couldn't find out who ASR wife was but sources informed that she was a middle class girl somewhere from Lucknow."

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