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I tighten the towel around my torso. Once I'm satisfied with the appearance, I walk into my bedroom, turning on my stereo. I walk over to the mirror, grabbing my brush. I run it through, smoothing the stingy, bumpy mess that is my hair. I glance over to my window, pulling back the curtains a bit. My room faces the back of the house, giving me a perfect view of the detached rooms. Larry and I are the only 'help' with rooms inside the main house. All of the others reside in a beautiful building not too far from the house. Each person has an outside entrance and an inside entrance that leads to a kitchen and living space. It's almost like a dorm on a college campus, but the private bathrooms are attached.
The light in Andy's bedroom flicks on. The silhouette of two people can be seen. I let the curtain fall back into place. I'd rather give them some privacy than spy.
A song that I haven't heard in ages turns on, the beat and words slipping out of the speakers. I let my inner diva out, using the hair brush as a microphone.
I sing along to the old Kelly Clarkson song, word for word. The chorus comes on and I'm thrown back to my days as a teenager. I stand up dramatically, dancing around and belting out the lyrics into the hair brush. I spin around, freezing when I notice the open door, with my boss standing in the doorway. I put down the brush, turning down the stereo.
He smirks, crossing his arms and leaning against the door-jamb.
"Don't stop because I'm here."
I struggle to stop the blush from creeping up my face, showing off my embarrassment.
"How can I help you tonight, sir?"
"You can continue singing and showing off your wonderful singing voice for starters."
I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"You weren't supposed to be home until early tomorrow morning."
I open my eyes just as he shrugs.
"The night out didn't go as planned."
I feel a little guilty but happy that the night didn't go well.
"Would you like me to make breakfast tomorrow morning?"
He lets out a sigh.
"I can have Larry make breakfast. You can sleep in tomorrow."
I nod, acknowledging his kindness.
"Thank you, sir."
He stands up straight, uncrossing his arms.
"I'll let you get back to your popstar moment. Enjoy the rest of your night, Skye."
"You too, sir."
Once he closes the door, I release the tension that was built up inside of me in a long sigh.

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