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The bouncer doesn't give me any problems getting into the club. I can feel his eyes on my backside as I enter. The place is jammed. Loud music blasts from the speakers. I recognize the song but I don't know the lyrics or the title. It's a damn good song though.
Gavin is behind the bar. He's chatting with an employee, so I wait until he's done before calling him over.
He walks towards me with caution on his face.
"Do I know you?"
"It's me, Skye."
It takes him a second but his eyes go wide.
"Holy crap you've changed."
He doesn't know how true that simple statement is.
"Yeah. I figured I'd change it up a bit."
"A bit? That's not a bit."
I roll my eyes, putting my elbows on the bar, leaning in a bit.
"What's the theme for tonight?"
"For the songs?"
No. Dress code. Pirates? Crap. I have to go get my peg leg and eye patch. Can't forget my fake parrot too!
"Yes. Songs."
"No theme really. Don't do any country songs or things that will scare customers away."
"Do you have a sheet of songs?"
He reaches under the bar, pulling out a folder. He slides me the sheet and I start flipping through it.
"When you have a song, let me know."
Song after song. Each title and artist name crowds the page. Anything from AC/DC to Theory Of A Deadman. Neil Diamond to Creedence Clearwater Revival. This is the kind of variety I like.
My eyes land on one song and I'm sold instantly.
"Hey, Gav! I've got the song!"

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