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This is extremly important to read or you may or may not understand a thing.

There are some facts about this book that you need to know before you start reading.

I have collected as many One Direction stereotypes as I could find here on wattpad and then made a story as much a stereothypical one as possible. Of course with my own twists and turns. Kinda like a satire on stereotypes.

If you're not sure which stereotypes I have used, or laughed loudly about, I'll list them here. Otherwise you can just skip this part and start reading. :)

Happy reading!



33 dumb One Direction stereotypes on wattpad:

1. The only restaurant that exists is Nando's. Yup, even McDonald's had to close down.

2. There are no eyes, only orbs.

3. Louis is obsessed with carrots.

4. The girl's name is either Kylie, Rose or a nonsense name.
Like Summer Pink McFluff, Beautiful Applecookie Mermaid, Crystal Spring Peanutbuttercup Snowy Glitter, or something completely gibbrich.

5. The only eyecolour allowed for the girl is purple. Oh sorry, orbcolour.

6. The only orbcolors allowed in generall are: chocolate brown, piercing green, crystal blue, stormy gray or purple.

7. Zayn has a mysterious voice.

8. Harry has such a special hair. It's always something going on with it.

9. Niall has always blonde hair and a sexy irish accent. Always. Because every Irelander is obviously sexy.
Just stating matter of facts.

10. Liam is afraid of spoons.

11. Total irishness. Just because Niall is from Ireland everything he does must have the word irish before it.

12. Zayn can't swim.

13. The only movies ever made is Love actually, Titanic, Toy story 3 and The Notebook. (Notice that Toy story 1 and 2 aren't.)
I smell that Hollywood haven't had much of a success lately.

14. Harry is most of the time more naked than dressed. Flashing off his four nipples.

15. Louis and Harry are the only ones who have passed their driving test.
- Wait for it, it will be a sequel on this one later on.

16. Niall cries for the most stupid of things. Like when the fridge is empty.

17. Zayn is often absent to the story.

18. The girl's uncle - Simon Cowell - is One Directions manager and she has never heard of them.

19. The girl has a hidden musical talent she never knows about.

20. One of the boys always loves her music while another one wants to puke when hearing it.

21. Niall's stomach is like space. Endless.

22. If Harry gets a child it must be called Darcy and DARCY only. Even if it's a boy. If he gets another child it can be called something similar like Darcella or Darcytwo.
Picture this army of children walking down the street with chocolate curls and piercing green orbs all together. Like tiny miniatures of their father.
I don't know why you should name your kid Darcytwo but anyway, let's continue.

23. Harry goes for the old. The antique.
He flirts with retired ladies.

24. The parents in the story are more absent than Zayn. They don't even exist.

25. Harry has a thing about always pulling his finger right into someone's face screaming: Do you know who I am?

26. Driving trafic has three rules only. Black vans = kidnappers, white vans = pedofiles and One Direction only drive Range rovers.
Even those who haven't got a driving license.

27. Zayn can sleep through every noice known and not known to mankind.
Maybe that's the reason why he's so absent?

28. When a kiss is extra romantic their lips "crash" into each other. There is sometimes an update called "smash" but that is very rare.

29. Liam is born the 29th of August. Very important.
Because it's my birthday too!

30. One Direction apperantly have the extremely rare ability to change history. From now on they won the X-factor in 2010.

31. Everyone taking part in the story are very good at popping "P"s.

32. The girl will at one point in the beginning find out that this person she just met is her soulmate and will fall hands first recklessly in love. Even if she doesn't quite know it yet.

33. Every shortcut One Direction try to take ALWAYS end up as a huge roundabout.

So now that you know and are fully prepared for this, let's get this party started!

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