Thank you!

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This book has been a pleasure to write!

Hope you enjoyed the story :) Let me know if it sucked (so i can improve) or if you liked it.

The fasinating thing about 1D fanfics is that somehow everything works. It's like a universe where everything is possible and no one cares whether you have lost an arm or got a big toe that is too small. The universe accept you anyway. And that's something to be proud of.
Long live the fandom!

I remember when I was laying on my bed laughing so hard I thought my cheeks might split and my stomach burst while digging deep into all the hillarious One Direction stereotypes out there.

It was pure entertainment!

First off, please note that fanfiction about One Direction and the band One Direction are two completely different things.

This is my story based on stereotypes and it has nothing to do with the actual band One Direction.
Though in one way it has of course....

Never mind

No matter how much I would secretly want it they do not have orbs, Liam is not terrified about spoons and Simon Cowell is definatley not a cat!

(But I think everybody who has read this by now knows that Niall is very irishly irish from the green Ireland, lol!)

So, now I have written another fanfiction.

My thanks goes to you as always, little sister. Thank you for correcting my lousy english grammar. You have helped me a lot!

A big thank you to @AnybodyAlive for coming up with this idea of writing a fanfiction in the first place.

If anything am more of a 5sos girl and did therefore avoid any kind of music fanfiction because I didn't want the songs to get ruined for me. They pretty often appear in the plot somehow even though it has nothing to do with the actual story. *Giving you my most bored look.

And to all my cousins and siblings! I dedicate this book to you. I would never have discovered the world of hillarious stereotyphical One Direction stories if it weren't for you. Fun fact, we were eating at Nando's when we hatched the idea. That's a true fanfiction indeed ;)

And of course, last but absolutly not least, a giant thank you to you dear reader who have decided to join me on this crazy adventure.

Big big hug and hope you have an awesome time wherever you are!


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