Chapter 15

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Rumours are traveling fast. The next morning I get a very angry call from Nick and it seems to be much bigger than I ever could imagine.
And apperantly much more recent.

Talking phone to phone isn't the right situation for serious talk so I sincerely decide to meet him orb to orb. An hour later Nick's black Volvo stands perfectly parked outside mine and Calvin's house. As the cardoor opens a windruffled head peers out.

"What are you doing? How can you even think about going out with other guys when you're in a relationship?" he yells with a very upset, but mostly hurt, tone.

I transport him inside, pulling his arm. At last ending up sitting on my bedspread. He explaining how serious this is, me pretending I don't know why. I choose a white spot on the wall, staring madlike at it, only noticing his words while making sure they won't affect me.

"How can you already know? For your information boy friends and boyfriends aren't the same thing." I lash out at last, confused about how this can all happen so fast.
I went out one night, it was yesterday, and he does already know about it, and is taking it all too wrong.

"Seriously Rose? He is irishly world famous. The papparazzi's are swooning over him like teenage girls."


I didn't like that comment about the teenage girls. Teenagers are not weak. Just a little bit confused maybe.

"Anyway. He's just a friend. We went out as friends." I arrogantly continue.

"A hot friend."

"That doesn't matter!"

"That's how it starts."

I swallow a lump in my throat. He has a point.

"Nick, listen. You know I love you. He might be irishly world famous but compared to you he would lose every race any time. I promise."

"Prove it."

I role my orbs. Then tipping my head a little. Staring beggingly at him. His perfect eggshaped face with that brown flissy hair just above the forehead. Meltingly brown orbs studying me seriously with no smile left to share. I find that tiny birthmark on his chin with my fingers. Shaped like the head of a rose. The soft skin shimmering like polished copper.

"Come on. That's rediculous..." I try.

"Convince me." he goes on. Still serious. Not moving a centimetre.

With that I decide I have heard enough. I bend forward. Pressing myself against him, slightly touching his lips. Easy. As soft as a feather tickeling untouched skin.
He leans forward so I carefully choose to back away a bit. Then giving away. Softly pushing myself to him. He answers just as gently.

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