Chapter 20

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The teachers have really done a thing to make this evening into something speciall. I barely reconize the gymhall as we, separated from our partners, enter through the changing rooms. Some boy-to-boy, girl-to-girl couples are still together in the divided rooms due to their choice of preferences.

The gymhall is made into an old castle. The high ceiling does clearly play it's part. Gigantic pieces of fabrics are hanging down the walls colouring the gym completely in dark blue. Tables are out, at least twenty of them, with long white tablecloths hanging down all the way to the floor. They are decorated with bowls of potatoe chips, chocolate caramels and bottles containing a sparkling pink liquid.
This is indeed a Prom party to remember.

The first dance begins as everybody have gotten inside. A waltz. I spot Niall and Clarisse a few couples away. Her pink dress tangles between his legs. He holds her carefully against him as if she was a hamburger from Nando's.
My chest aches by watching them. The swirl of envy I felt by seeing Kylie before returns with double the power. I step closer to Nick, placing my hand in his as he puts his other hand at my back. But it doesn't stop there. My body feels totally out of place as the heat on my skin evaporates. Turning me ice cold. Then the shock explodes my body.
The hand sinks lower.

I immediatley back off.

"What are you doing?!" I scream.

Some couples closest to us look up with surprised faces, then returning to their dances as if nothing just had  happened. Nick looks annoyed, almost astonished, like he doesn't know what I am talking about. Like he hates the fact that I interrupted our dance.
In the corner of my orb I catch a green bow tie. Then an irish crystal blue glance, suddenly aware of that Niall is looking in my one direction.

Beginning from the very pit of my stomach I feel everything falling apart. Like a castle crumbling down. Stone after stone, wall after wall. Stones falling from high above and smashing the ground. Splitting it in two. I suddenly understand everything. Seeing it crystal clear. As clear as those crystal blue orbs watching my back right now. Belonging to a person I've just missed my chance to.
How stupid I've been.
I seize Nick's tuxedodressed arm.

"We need to talk."

My voice tolerates no argues. Every pair of orbs inside the hall are following us as we find our way out of the crowded hall. I try hard not to think of them. With confusion they back away, giving us as much space as we might need. I burst the last metres towards the changing room, not caring a single second about the fact that it is for girls only.

"Tell me now, straight to my orbs, why did you do that?" I shout as I close the green door shut behind us.

He flips his palms up, looking somewhat cute and still confused. Just as when I first met him. Which only fuels a flame of anger inside my chest. I was desperatly looking for love, but did instead walk right into a dangerous trap.

"What are you talking about?" he bursts out, raising his chocolate brown orbbrows.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

I jab my indexfinger right into his face just as Harry would do. He stumbles back against the wooden bench. That silenced him. An old nasty sports bra is hanging from the hook behind his head. The similarities is matching them perfectly.
I stare at him, narrowing my orbs. He looks away.

"Why?" I shout again.

He jumps at the sound of my voice. Seems to collect himself then losing it.

"I... I..."

He wipes his sweaty palms on the trousers of his suit.

"Don't know..."

And by that moment I know. All of his actions connecting together like pieces from a puzzel. Showing a new picture I hadn't been able to see before. That's the problem with his kind.
They don't know.
They are all that kind of person that makes you want to wrap around them because they know preciously what to say and when they should do it. They know exactly what you want to hear and when you need it. Most important they don't think twice before saying it.
In the end, all that kind has ever done to anyone is absorbing all the vivid energy floaing inside their veins. Every little ounce of it. Just to leave richer than ever when it's time without a single sound when the other half is at her weakest.

"Do you like me for being me?" I ask. Fearing I won't like the answer.

"Yes, of course!"

That went fast.

"Do you respect me?" I ask.

He opens his mouth. Then closes it again. I can see in his chocolate brown orbs the struggle he is fighting against his mind. Him versus moral. That he was just about to say yes then realized his actions already had said no.
That I know.

"Sorry. It won't happen again."

I feel my heart drop. Leaving a lonely hole in my chest as insecure as me.

"That's all?"


He furrow his brows in lack of knowledge.

"Is that all you give me?" I ask again.

He collects himself quickly. The fastest recovery I've ever seen. Even faster than Niall's irishness.


My stomach twists and aches.

"No. I am really sorry, trust me. I should have listened to you. You just look so beautiful in that dress."

I tilt my chin up. This time I am not that easily fooled. Finally I am fully prepared for the final test.

"What do you like about me?"

I wait with excitement for his respond. The words that will seal his future.

He stays quiet for a while. Wiggling his feet. Going up, then going down on his heels. He meets my purple gaze. I keep holding perfectly still. He examines my shoulders, my neck, my hands, then looking at his own. Curling them into fists, putting them inside his tux pockets.
Then he looks up, looking straigt into my purple orbs. Slowly he starts moving forward. He lifts his hand to stroke my cheek, touching my ear on the way. A scent of aftershave whirlwinding towards my face. At the touch I immediatley slide backwards. Feeling the cold wood of the door against my back. I catch a silent breath as he moves closer.

"What I like about you? The best things about you is your dazzling purple orbs, your overexaggerated smile making even the sadest person happy, and, your long dark hair."

Check, check, check. I draw a sharp breath while checking off every sign on the list. Orbs, smile, looks. Not as well disguised this time.
I could have breathed knives, cutting deep inside my lungs. That was all I needed to hear.

He lowers himself, leaning in for a kiss on this close distance. As his soft fingertips wander up my neck I throw my arm around his waist and push his tall body down with my elbow locking his back. During the few seconds he still remains unaware of what's going on I dodge under his arm and take off for the toilet. This time, I am not feeling that lovely lack of control making my knees fall every time he touches my skin.

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