Chapter 2

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I hurry down the streets thick of the cold crowded London air as far away from Nando's as I can. The sooner the better.

Right now all I want is to come home. Relive that moment again would be far more embarrassing than my veins can handle.
I deeply sigh, biting my lip as a shield against the painful memories. Moving from house to house, crisscrossing from road to road. My stomach hurts after all the frozen yogurt I ate. Silently I cast a curse over my stupid self. So stupid. How dumb can a girl possibly be? Listening to her belly and continue eating even when it firmly said no?

That's the problem with me. I never know when to stop. As long as it's free, or cheap, I can go on eating for hours. It's like my body is missing out of some important kind of biological mechanic telling me when it's full.

I hastily stop in front of the London green houses at both sides. My stomach is urging.

A woman in a red coat throws a curious look at me as I press my hands to my mouth. I let her pass. Then I dive into the nearest bush leting all of the sticky insides out. My mouth tasting salty and bitter dry afterwards.
There goes my yogurts.

The night has fallen. It's cold, the sky is empty and it's dark. Despite the dusty yellow glow from the streetlights it would be pitch black. Here in the middle of the city you don't see stars. I remember when I was a little girl. We lived at the countryside outside Hastings. Counted stars every night, looking for the shooting ones and wishing for dreams so silly they were never to become true.
I miss those times.

Now, as a nineteen year old girl, my brother and I moved to London to attend FE college. I have gotten a really nice friend here, a norweigan girl, with a really sweet accent.
The chilly wind blowing harder makes me pull my jacket tighter as I fasten my pace.



My brother's voice calls from the kitchen. I have just stepped over the threshold and he has already noticed me.
With a sigh I let my bad temper expand. Bad luck.
After that evening at Nando's I had really longed for some private time alone in my room. No access allowed to anybody.

"Yes it's me." I call out.

"Are you hungry? Because I have food left."


I put my hands to my stomach, showing the battle I am fighting against my insides. Calvin raises a distrustful orbbrow. A droplet of sweat gleaming on his forehead.

"What happened to you? You look like really sick." he asks, somewhat confused.

"Nothing." I murmur between slippery lips.

"Nothing? Oh really, you expect me to belive that? When a woman says nothing it means everything."

"Not for me! Okay!?"

I scream so loud Calvin accidently drops the lid on his saucepan with a heavy bang, not daring to ask any further questions. He silently returns to his dinnercooking with his shirt tangled under the flowerpatterned apron.

As I leave I slam the kitchendoor shut. My orbs darting through the hall. It's very small. Our appartment in generall only have three rooms. Two bedrooms and a foreroom, excluding the toilet and the kitchen.
I burst towards the plain white door leading to my room. Running as fast as ever, wanting to grab the handle right now. Thinking about how nice it will be to finally be alone.

I sneak up my white new iphone from my left pocket and immedeatly dial the number of my boyfriend Nick. Maybe a talk with him can make me forget about that irish boy with his peculiar sexy irish accent at Nando's.

Food Queen (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now